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英文名:China University of Political science and Law 简称:“法大”,“CUPL” 所在地:北京 院校代码:10053 类型:文科类/理科类/政法类/211/考研院校

  • 孔庆江详细资料

1) 国家哲学社会科学基金 “国际法中普遍性法律利益的保护问题研究”,主持人, 2008
2) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“国际经济法律规范的可以执行与国家经济安全的相关性研究—以WTO法为例”, 2008
3) 国家哲学社会科学基金“知识产权制度国际化背景下的中外知识产权竞争及其对我国技术创新的影响”,主持人 2003(已完成)
4) 浙江省哲学社会科学发展规划领导小组重点课题“苏浙沪两省一市地方立法研究比较—对鼓励外国投资立法的比较”,主持人, 2008
5) 国家知识产权局“我国企业海外并购的知识产权管理”,共同主持人, 2007
1) 2010年教育部新世纪优秀人才
2) 2009年人力资源社会保障部、教育部共同授予“全国模范教师“称号
3) 浙江省组织部、省人事厅等共同授予,浙江省优秀回国留学人员 2008
4) 钱端升法学研究成果荣誉奖,2008
5) 钱端升法学研究成果荣誉奖,2007
6) 安子介国际贸易研究奖三等奖,2004
1) China-EU Trade Disputes and Their Management, World Scientific Publishing Co (Singapore, London, New Jersey, Hong Kong), 2012
2) WTO, Internationalization and the Intellectual Property Rights Regime in China, Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore),2005
3) China and the World Trade Organization: A Legal Perspective, World Scientific Publishing (New jersey, Hong Kong, London, Singapore), 2002
1) International Economic Law and China in the Post-WTO Era (国际经济法与入世之后的中国), 北京大学 出版社, 2008
2) 中国纺织品贸易法律环境,中国人民大学出版社,法律科学文库,2005
China's Uncharted Free Trade Agreement Strategy, Journal of World Trade, October 2012
U.S.-CHINA BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATY NEGOTIATIONS: CONTEXT, FOCUS, AND IMPLICATIONS, Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy Volume 7, Number 1, 2012
3) Trade Disputes between China and the EU: Are They Manageable, Global Trade and Customs Journal, Kluwer Law International, No.2 Vol 5(2010)
4) Embracing an intellectual property strategy amid WTO compliance, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Oxford University Press, vol 4, no 10, 2009
5) Doctrine of Ordre Public and the Sino-US Copyright Dispute, Lawasia Journal (University of Queensland), 2009
6) The Political Economy of The Intellectual Property Regime-Building in China: Evidence From The Chinese Patent Regime, Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal Vol. 20.2, 2008
7) A Human Rights Approach to Trade: Some Reflections, in: Human Rights and International Trade Oxford University Press January 2006
8) Is the European Experience Duplicable in East Asia? Developments of International Law-making, Springer, 2005
China’s WTO Accession and the Asean–China Free Trade Area: The Perspective of a Chinese Lawyer, Journal of International Economic Law,
Oxford University Press,2004
10) Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: What are the Legitimate Expectations From the WTO?, Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, 2004
11) Japanese Chauvinism or Chinese Nationalism: Protection of Intellectual Property in China and its Implications for Sino-Japanese Economic Relations, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol.6 No.5, September 2003
12) A Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong,
China: An International Journal
(journal of East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore), 1/2003
Quest for Constitutional Justification: Privatization with Chinese Characteristics, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.12, No. 36, 2003
Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Post-WTO Era: Still a Blight to Sino-US Trade Relations? Issues & Studies (Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taiwan), September 2002.
15) Chinese Approaches to Bilateral Investment Treaties, Asian Yearbook of International Law, Kluwer Law International, vol. 8, 2003
16) Towards WTO Compliance: China’s Foreign Investment Regime in Transition, Journal of World Investment, October 2002
17) The Practice of Private International Law in China (Co-author), Melbourne Journal of International Law, October 2002
18) A Story of Globalization: The WTO and an Evolving China, Harvard Asia-Pacific Review, Spring 2002
Can the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism Solve the Trade Disputes between China and Taiwan? Journal of International Economic Law 2002, Oxford University Press.
Enforcement of WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? Journal of World Trade, Vol 35/6 (December 2001), Kluwer Law International, pp. 1181-1214.
21) Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China: On the Eve of China's WTO Accession, Journal of World Intellectual Property, (November 2001), pp. 809-825.
China’s Accession to the WTO: Commitments and Implications, Journal of International Economic Law (December 2000), Oxford University Press, pp. 665-690
China's Telecom Regulatory Regime on the Eve of WTO Accession, Issue &
Studies, July-August 2001
24) Is China’s Judiciary Ready for WTO Entry? Harvard Asian Quarterly, Autumn 2001
25) Chinese Law and Practice on Government Procurement in the Context of China’s WTO Accession, Public Procurement Law Review, 04/2002, pp. 201-214.
26) Transitional Labor Relations in China: Problems and Their Legal Approach, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Schweizerisches Arbeitsrecht (2001)
Enforcement of Hong Kong SAR Judgments in Mainland China (Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 7)
28) Enforcement of Hong Kong SAR Judgments in the People’s Republic of China (International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49/4, October 2000. N.B. This is a substantially rewritten and updated and substantially revised version of the previous article.)
29) “Liberating Taiwan”: Peaceful offensive or Armed might (co-author), Harvard Asia Quarterly, Harvard University, 2000 (4)
Old Bottle for New Wine—New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context, Issues & Studies, Vol. 36/5
31) A study of the Regulation of the Internet, Journal of Zhejiang University (English edition), co-author, 3/2000
32) Regulation of the Internet: the Chinese Approach,UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2000/I
33) Protection of intellectual property in China—The perspective of a Chinese lawyer (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute, 1998, 58/1, pp.181-204.
34) Foreign investment regime in China (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute 1997, 57/4, pp. 869-898
35) New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context (UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2001/I
36) Privatisation: an untold story in China, IJVO (Internationale Juristenvereinigung, Jahresheft) 1999/2000, Osbabrück, Germany
1) 市场扰乱影响纺织品贸易环境,中国社会科学文摘,2006年第4期
2) 浅论单边贸易措施的适法性,现代法学, 2006年第6期。
3) 中国解决国际争端的实践 (与胡敏飞合作), 香港,亚洲研究,2003
4) WTO争端解决机制与两岸贸易争端,中国评论(香港) ,N.57,Sep. 01, 2002。
5) 破除自由贸易的迷思,读书,2002年10月
6) 中国加入世界贸易组织后对行政管理的影响, 香港, 经济与法律(Economy and Law), Vol. 1, 2002
7) 新加坡政府鼓励海外投资的经验对中国的借鉴,香港, 经济与法律(Economy and Law), Vol. 3, 2001
8) 区域投资法律文件研究, 法学, 2000 年 11月, Vol. 228.
9) 银行资本充足率监管的法律研究 (第二作者), 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2000年10月
1) International Dispute Settlement: The Chinese Approach and Practice, and Their Implications, in Sornarajah and Wang (ed.), China, India and the International Economic Order, Cambridge University Press, 2010
2) Construction of the Discourse on Legitimacy of International Institutions, in Ruediger Wolfrum (ed), Legitimacy in International Law, Springer 2008
3) Towards a Balanced Interaction between Competition Policies and Intellectual Property Rights in the Chinese Context, in Chen (ed): International Economic Law and China in its Economic Transition, Williams S. Hein & Co, Inc., 2007
4) International Regulation of Finance: Is Regionalism Preferred to Multilateralism in Asia? in Thilo Marauhn (ed), International Regulation of Finance, Cambridge University Press 2006
5) Human Rights Approach to Trade: some thoughts, in Cottier and Pauwelyn (eds): Human Rights and International Trade, Oxford University Press, 2005
6) Is the European Experience Duplicable in East Asia, in Ruediger Wolfrum (ed), Developments of International Law in Treaty-making, Springer, 2005
7) Enforcement of WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? in Deborah Cass (ed): China and the World Trading System: Entering the New Millennium, Cambridge University Press, February 2003
8) Where Will China’s Internet Regulation Go After WTO Accession? in: Globalization and the Chinese Economy, in Lu Ding (ed), Ashgate Publishing 2003
9) Adapting to the WTO dispute Settlement Mechanism: New Challenge to China, in John Wong (ed): China’s Post-Jiang Leadership Succession, National University of Singapore Press, 2002
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