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英文名:China Agricultural University 简称:“中国农大”,“CAU” 所在地:北京 院校代码:10019 类型:综合类

  • 呙于明详细资料

中国农业大学教授(二级)、硕士生和博士生导师、动物科技学院副院长、动物营养学国家重点实验室副主任;教育部“长江学者与创新团队发展计划” 创新团队学术带头人、国家自然科学杰出青年基金获得者、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、全国农业科研杰出人才、农业部神农计划人选、北京市教育创新标兵、北京市五四青年奖章获得者。
  《动物营养学报》编委会副主任,Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science、Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology、《畜牧兽医学报》和《中国畜牧杂志》等杂志编委。
  1990-1991年,英国Aberdeen大学ROWETT RESEARCH INSTITUTE,博士研究生生
  · 2009-2015 国家肉鸡产业技术体系 肉鸡营养与饲料岗位专家,肉鸡健康营养理论与技术研究
  · 2011-2013 肉鸡代谢病的营养代谢及其分子生物学机理研究(北京市自然科学基金重点项目)
  · 2009-2013 肉鸡饲养标准与饲料氨基酸生物学效价评定研究(公益性农业行业科研专项课题)
  · 2006-2010 猪禽配合饲料工业化生产技术集成与产业化示范(国家十一五科技支撑计划课题)
  · 2007-2010 蛋鸡营养调控与日粮配制技术(公益性农业行业科研专项课题)
  · 2005-2009 胃肠道结构与功能发育规律及其调节 (国家973计划课题)
  · 2005-2009 多不饱和脂肪酸营养对鸡的免疫机能的调节作用与机理(国家杰出青年基金)
  1.Hu, X. F., Guo, Y. M., Li, J. H., Yan, G. L., Bun, S. and Huang, B. Y. 2011. Effects of an early lipopolysaccharide challenge on growth and small intestinal structure and function of broiler chickens. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 379–384.
  2.Zhang, B. ,X. Yang, Y. Guo* and F. Long. 2011.Effects of dietary lipids and Clostridium butyricum on serum lipids and lipid-related gene expression in broiler chickens. Animal (2011), 5:12, pp 1909–1915
  3.Huang, B.y. Yuming Guo , Xiaofei Hu and Yi Song, 2011. Effects of Coenzyme Q(10) on Growth Performance and Heart Mitochondrial Function of Broilers Under High Altitude Induced Hypoxia. J. POULTRY SCIENCE,48:40-46
  4.Bun ,S. D., Y. M. Guo , F. C. Guo , F. J. Ji , and H. Cao.2011. Influence of organic zinc supplementation on the antioxidant status and immune responses of broilers challenged with Eimeria tenella. Poultry Science 90 :1220–1226
  5.Yan, G. L., Y. M. Guo , J. M. Yuan , D. Liu , and B. K. Zhang.2011.Sodium alginate oligosaccharides from brown algae inhibit Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 90 :1441–1448
  6.Yang,X. , Xi He, B. Zhang, Y. Yang, J. Yuan and Y. Guo.2011. Effects of dietary fish oil on NFκB gene expression and related signaling in spleen of chickens stimulated with lipopolysaccharide.2011. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 20, 206–223
  7.Long, F. Y., Y. M. Guo , Z. Wang , D. Liu , B. K. Zhang , and X. Yang.2011. Conjugated linoleic acids alleviate infectious bursal disease virus-induced
  immunosuppression in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 90 :1926–1933
  8. Zhang, Bingkun , Xin Yang, Yuming Guo and Fangyu Long.2011. Effects of dietary lipids and Clostridium butyricum on the performance and the digestive tract of broiler chickens. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 65( 4), August 2011, 329–339
  9. Zhang B., H.Li, Y.Guo. 2011. Effect of Fat Type and Lysophosphatidylcholine Addition to Broiler Diets on Performance, Apparent Digestibility of Fatty Acids, and Apparent Metabolizable Energy Content. Animal Feed Science and Technology.163:177-184
  10. Liu D, Guo YM, Wang Z, Yuang JM. 2010. Exogenous lysozme influences Clostridium perfringens colonization and intestinal barrier function in broiler chickens. Avian Pathology , 2010. 39: 17-24.
  11. Long, F., Z.Wang, Y. Guo, D. Liu, X. Yang and P. Jiao. 2010.Conjugated linoleic acids alleviated immunosuppression in broiler chickens exposed to cyclosporin A. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 21( 4), 295-305/
  12. An ,S. Y., Y. M. Guo, S. D. Ma, J. M. Yuan and G. Z. Liu.2010.Effect of Different Oil Sources and Vitamin E in Breeder Diet on Egg Quality, Hatchability and Development of the Neonatal Offspring. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. ( 23) 2 : 234 – 239
  13. Yang, X., B. Zhang, Y. Guo, P. Jiao, and F. Long.2010. Effects of dietary lipids and Clostridium butyricum on fat deposition and meat quality of broiler chickens. Poultry Sci.2010; 89: 254-260
  14. Jiao. P.,Y. Guo, X.Yang and F.Y.Long.2010.Effects of dietary arginine and methionine levels on broiler carcass trait and meat quality. J. Animal and Veterinary Advances.9(11):1546-1551.
  15. Hu, XF; Guo, Y.M; Huang, BY; Bun, S; Zhang, LB; Li, JH; Liu, D; Long, FY; Yang, X; Jiao, P.2010.The effect of glucagon-like peptide 2 injection on performance, small intestinal morphology, and nutrient transporter expression of stressed broiler chickens. Poultry Sci.89: 1967-1974
  16.Hu, XF; Guo, YM; Huang, BY; Zhang, LB; Bun, S; Liu, D; Long, FY; Li, JH; Yang, X; Jiao, P. 2010.Effect of Corticosterone Administration on Small Intestinal Weight and Expression of Small Intestinal Nutrient Transporter mRNA of Broiler Chickens. ASIAN-AUST. J. ANIM. SCI.,23(2);175-181
  17. Yang Y., M. Gao , Z. Wu,, Y. Guo.2010. Genistein attenuates low temperature induced pulmonary hypertension in broiler chicks by modulating endothelial function. European Journal of Pharmacology 649 (2010) 242–248.
  18. Wang, Y., X.j.Li, Y. Guo, L. Chan and X. Guan.2010.The mitochondrial nutrient alpha-lipoic acid improves mitochondrial dysfunction through PGC-1 in aging mice. Metabolism Clinical & Experimental 59:967-976
  19.Xie, M. ,Y.M. Guo, T.Zhang, S.S. Hou, and W. Huang.2009. Lysine requirement of malewhite Pekin ducklings from seven to twenty-one days of age. Asian-Austr. J. Anim.Sci. 22:1386-1390
  20. Zhang, B. and Y. Guo.2009.Supplemental zinc reduced intestinal permeability by enhancing occluding and zonula occludens protein-1 (ZO-1) expression in weaning piglets. British J. of Nutrition (2009), 102, 687–693
  21. Zhang, B. and Y. Guo.2009.Influence of tetrabasic zinc chloride and copper sulphate on growth performance and some physiological parameters in the digestive tract of weanling piglets. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 18, 2009, 465–477
  22. Wang, H. Y.Guo and J. H. Shih. 2008. Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Keratinase on Growth Performance, Nitrogen Retention and Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chickens Fed Diets with Soybean and Cottonseed Meals. Animal Feed Science & Technology . 140:376-384
  23. Zhang, B., Y. Guo and Z. Wang. 2008. The Modulating Effect of B-1,3/1,6-glucan supplementation in the diet on performance and immunological responses of broiler chickens. ASIAN-AUST. J. ANIM. SCI..21(2):237-244
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