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英文名:China Agricultural University 简称:“中国农大”,“CAU” 所在地:北京 院校代码:10019 类型:综合类

  • 周振明详细资料

出生日期: 1976年2月 专业技术职务: 副教授
  1. Zhou, Z., Z. Yu, and Q. Meng. 2012.Effects of nitrate on methane production, fermentation, and microbial populations in in vitro ruminal cultures. Bioresour Technol.103:173-179
  2. Zhou, Z. M., and Z. D. Li. 2011. Effect of microgravity on primordial germ cells (PGCs) in silk chicken offspring (Gallus gallus domesticus). Advances in Space Research 48:450-456.
  3. Zhou, Z. M., Q. X. Meng, and Z. T. Yu. 2011. Effects of Methanogenic Inhibitors on Methane Production and Abundances of Methanogens and Cellulolytic Bacteria in In Vitro Ruminal Cultures. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:2634-2639.
  4. Wei, J. A., H. S. Xin, Q. X. Meng, L. P. Ren, and Z. M. Zhou. 2007. Effect of Picrasma quassioides plant extract, yeast culture and monensin on in vitro mixed ruminal microorganism fermentation of wheat starch. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 16:604-608.
  5. Can, M. Y., L. Wang, Q. X. Meng, L. P. Ren, and Z. M. Zhou. 2007. Effect of yeast culture or cellulolytic enzymes in licking blocks on rumen fermentation and fibre degradation in vitro. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 16:494-499.
  6. Liu, S. Z., Z. M. Zhou, T. Chen, Y. L. Zhang, D. C. Wen, Z. H. Kou, Z. D. Li, Q. Y. Sun, and D. Y. Chen. 2004. Blastocysts produced by nuclear transfer between chicken blastodermal cells and rabbit oocytes. Molecular Reproduction and Development 69:296-302.
  7. Ding, J., Z. M. Zhou, L. P. Ren, and Q. X. Meng. 2008. Effect of monensin and live yeast supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass characteristics and ruminal fermentation parameters in lambs fed steam-flaked corn-based diets. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 21:547-554.
  8. Qian, C. S., Z. M. Zhou, H. T. Han, C. Zhao, X. M. Jin, H. L. Zhao, Y. F. Zhang, W. Chen, N. Yang, and Z. D. Li. 2010. Influence of Microgravity on the Concentration of Circulating Primordial Germ Cells in Silky Chicken Offspring. Journal of Poultry Science 47:65-70.
  9. Xue, F., Z. M. Zhou, L. P. Ren, and Q. X. Meng. 2011. Influence of rumen-protected lysine supplementation on growth performance and plasma amino acid concentrations in growing cattle offered the maize stalk silage/maize grain-based diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology 169:61-67.
  10.Yang, J. S., Q. X. Meng, L. P. Ren, Z. M. Zhou, and X. X. Xie. 2010. Rapid Evaluation of Beef Quality by NIRS Technology. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 30:685-687.
  11.Zhao, J. S., Z. M. Zhou, L. P. Ren, Y. Q. Xiong, J. P. Du, and Q. X. Meng. 2008. Evaluation of dry matter intake and daily weight gain predictions of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System with local breeds of beef cattle in China. Animal Feed Science and Technology 142:231-246.
  主持编写的农业行业标准(NY 5004-2008)《无公害食品 牛肉》于2008.05.16正式发布;
  主持编写的农业行业标准(NY/T 1339-2007)《肉牛育肥良好管理规范》于2007.04.17正式发布;
  主持编写的绿色食品标准(LB/T 2001-2011)《绿色食品 肉牛养殖技术规范》于2011.10.30正式发布;
  参与编写的农业行业标准(NY 5147-2008)《无公害食品 羊肉》于2008.05.16正式发布;
  参与编写的国家标准(GB/T 24318-2009)《杜马斯燃烧法测定饲料原料中总氮含量及粗蛋白质的计算》于2009.09.30正式发布;
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