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英文名:Capital Medical University 简称:“首医”,“首医大”,“CMU” 所在地:北京 院校代码:10025 类型:文科类/理科类/医药类/考研院校

  • 首都医科大学师资怎么样, 首都医科大学师资好不好

截至2015年5月,学校和附属医院有教职员工和医护人员37795人(校本部1550人,附属医院36245人)。有院士6人,特聘顾问11人,正高职称1974人,副高职称3380人。其中教授738人(校本部101人,附属医院637人),副教授1245人(校本部228人,附属医院1017人);博士生导师439人(校本部83人,附属医院356人),硕士生导师839人(校本部143人,附属医院696人)。有3个教育部创新团队,1个科技部优秀创新团队。专职院士中国科学院院士:汪忠镐、赵继宗中国工程院院士:张金哲、胡亚美、韩德民、王辰 教育部创新团队鼻病基础和临床研究(张罗)、帕金森病的基础与临床研究(陈彪)、主动脉瘤的转化医学研究(杜杰)等。科技部优秀创新团队缺血性脑血管病研究团队(王拥军)。

  • 汪忠镐
  • 汪忠镐,教授,博士生导师。生于1937年,浙江杭州人,1961年毕业于上海医科大学。中华医学会外科分会血管学组主任委员;中华医学会科技奖和青年奖评委;纽约科学院院士,美国和印度血管外科学会名誉会员;亚洲血管外科学会主席;国际脉管杂志副主编;国际血管联盟副主席和顾问;国际布加综合征学会创始主席。  汪忠镐教授曾在哈佛、耶鲁、Johns Hopkins、Duke和Stanford大学等国外50余所大学做过报告,发表论文300余篇,编书9部,参与编书55部。获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级科技进步奖9项,国家专利10项。目前有国家自然科学基金两项和863课题一项。于1996、1998、2002和2004年分别获国际脉管学院、国际血管联盟、国际布加综合征学会和印度总统颁发的研究成就奖、功勋奖、终身成就奖和为发展血管外科事业和亚洲血管学会的成就奖。1996年获国际脉管学院首次颁发的每年一度一人的研究成就奖,被美国传记学院列入世界500名人之一,授予二十世纪成就奖。1997年,美国传记学院再次授予他世界终身科技成就奖,1998年在十八次国际血管联盟大会上他当选为国际血管联盟副主席,授予国际血管联盟功勋奖。  汪忠镐教授是教育部委派的新中国首批赴美国学者之一,于1979年在美国Duke和北卡罗来那大学任访问学者,1981年回国,六年后因他在布加综合征方面做出了杰出工作而受到该大学外科主任Collins教授邀请,返校作专题报告,并被聘为Roscce BG Cowper客座教授。40多年来,他先后为中国医学科学院协和医院、北京市心肺血管中心-安贞医院、北京大学第八临床学院、浙江大学医学院第一医院和首都医科大学宣武医院创建了血管外科或血管外科研究所。在国内率先开展了瘤体切开、重建血管法治疗腹主动脉瘤、颈动脉内膜切除术治疗颈动脉硬化性脑缺血和以血管重建术治疗糖尿病肢体缺血等。他发现中国人血管病的病谱与西方人存在明显差异,认识到必须结合中国国情开拓崭新的研究方向,为此他对布加综合征进行了20多年的潜心研究,流调人口68万,在大量动物实验和临床实践的基础上,对该病的病因、发病机理、分型、诊治建立了系统的理论体系,由其创立的肠-颈、肠-腔-颈胸骨后转流、侧径根治、手术与介入联合破膜、支架加肠-腔转流、肠-腔-房转流、经皮经肝穿刺肝静脉扩张和支架等新术式,在全国乃至国际上推广,开创了布加综合征诊治的新局面。汪忠镐教授还创立了国际布加综合征学会,至今收治布加综合征病人逾千例,有关成果为《黄家驷外科学》,研究生教材《外科学前沿和争论》和《美国脉管教科书》等增添了新篇章。《牛津外科教科书》也引用一页,他以单枚升主动脉支架成功抢救了全主动脉夹层、狭窄和破裂病人和以少创法治愈主动脉弓动脉瘤,实现了腔内治疗的新突破,为此应邀在美国、意大利、比利时和韩国等多所大学作报告。他首创自体大网膜内皮细胞和骨髓细胞种植人工血管,成功应用于临床。  汪忠镐教授自1986年起,针对临床应用静脉型人工血管移植通畅率严重低下的问题,开创了内皮细胞种植人工血管的研究,用大网膜内皮细胞和骨髓细胞进行人工血管高密度种植,实现了人工血管腔面的快速内皮化、百日通畅率达100%,应用于临床并取得良好的效果。汪忠镐教授于上世纪70年代率先开展了动脉造影的研究,由其撰写的《选择性动脉造影》和《腹腔内脏动脉造影在消化道出血中的应用》是我国腔内血管外科技术发展的起步点。此后在动物实验成功的基础上,分别于1983、1992、1995、1996、1998年率先在国内成功完成了下腔静脉破膜、下腔静脉支架植入、带膜支架血管治疗股动-静脉瘘、颈内动-静脉瘘、腹主动脉瘤等微创血管腔内治疗,所研制的国产腔内血管填补了当时国内在该领域中的空白。2001年用支架型人工血管分别成功抢救了全主动脉撕裂伴心肌缺血和主动脉弓动脉瘤病人,受到国际学术界的关注,为此应邀在美、日、比、意等国做了专题报告。  1971年首先创用自制球囊导管治疗动脉栓塞病变,经过技术推广,使救肢率 (Limb salvage rate) 从36%提高至90%;以此法治疗腹主动脉骑跨栓时避免了开腹,围手术死亡率从46%降至10%。在上世纪70年代,他开始研究急性肠系膜血管供血不全这一危急重症,在国内首先提出该疾病的分类和治疗原则,使该病的围手术死亡率从75%~90%降至9%,在冯友贤《血管外科学》中独立成章。他亲自治疗少见和高风险的颈动脉体瘤70余例,国内外少见,并为此创用3种术式重建颈动脉,使阻断血运时间减半,并有效地提高了治愈率。他发现当大动脉炎患者的颈部4根动脉均阻塞时,绝大部分病人的颈内动脉竟仍通畅,据此在国际上首先提出了施行升主动脉与颈内动脉搭桥术的可行性,并首先完成此术,获良好疗效,在英国《脉管病理学》中成章。他还发现,在95%以上的深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的股深静脉仍通畅,从而为该病的治疗提出和完成了耻骨上大隐静脉转流术式,取得良好疗效。
  • 王忠诚
  • 中国工程院院士王忠诚,1925年出生于山东烟台。1950年6月毕业于北京医学院(现北京医科大学),党员。  王忠诚院士,现任中华医学会神经外科学会主任委员,中国医学科学院神经科学研究所所长、中国医学科学院北京天坛医院名誉院长,世界卫生组织(WHO)神经外科专家咨询团委员,国际脑研究协会成员,美国、日本神经外科学会名誉会员。  王忠诚院士在神经外科诊断、治疗、科研、教学、预防各个方面都进行了系统研究,取得了突出成就,在中枢神经系统肿瘤、脑血管疾病、颅脑外伤等方面均有独到之处和重大贡献。他做手术近万例,发表学术论文两百余篇,出版专著十余部。主持完成国家攻关课题7项;领导了中国六大城市及21省市自治区居民神经系统疾病流行病学调查,获国家级奖励8次。
  • 翁心植
  • 翁心植,男,1919年5月10出生,中共党员,籍贯:浙江,技术职称:教授、主任医师,行政职务:所长  工作单位:首都医科大学附属北京红十字朝阳医院北京市呼吸病研究所  专业特长:呼吸病学  主要学术成果:  1.肺心病灌注肺血流损伤与右心射血分数变化的研究 北京市科技进步三等奖第二名 1991  2.二维超声心动图测定右室射血分数对慢性肺心病右心收缩功能评价的研究 北京市科技进步三等奖第三名 1991  3.慢性阻塞性肺疾病所致慢性肺心病不同发病阶段的右心功能及其演变 北京市科技进步三等奖第二名 1992  4.慢性肺心病不同发病阶段的氧动力学状况及其演变 北京科市技进步三等奖第二名 1993  5.机械通气对慢性肺心病患者的血流动力学及氧动力学效应 北京市科技进步三等奖第三名 1994  6.肺心病伴发冠心病18例病理与临床对比研究 北京市科技进步三等奖第四名 1995  7.慢性肺心病急性发作期肺细小动脉原位血栓形成的病理学研究 北京市科技进步三等奖第四名 1996  吸烟与健康研究成果:  1. 我国50万人口吸烟抽样调查的分析研究 北京市科技进步二等奖 第一名 1986 卫生部科技进步二等奖 第一名 1986  2. 吸烟与健康的研究 北京市科技进步三等奖 第二名 1987  3. 关于吸烟危害健康的基础和临床研究 北京市科技进步三等奖 第二名 1989  4. 被动吸烟对肺动脉高压发生的影响及肺灌注液中ACE与肺损伤的关 北京市科技进步三等奖 第二名 1991
  • 张金哲
  • 张金哲,男,1920年9月,籍贯:天津,政治面貌:中共党员;职称:教授;从事学科:儿外科  现任职务及兼职:亚洲小儿外科学会理事;太平洋地区小儿外科学会地区主席;中华医学会小儿外科学会名誉主任委员;中华小儿外科杂志编辑顾问;美国小儿外科杂志编辑顾问;国际小儿外科杂志编辑顾问  张金哲教授是我国小儿外科创始人之一。培养了不少中国第一代小儿外科骨干人才。著书30部,论文150余篇。有不少技术创造与革新:张氏钳(先天性巨结肠手术),张氏瓣(胆道反流手术),张氏膜(肛门直肠手术)等均为国内外引用与推崇。均获科研成果奖。张教授自50年代以来一直热心于科普工作,成绩突出,被全国科协授予“突出贡献科普工作者"称号。著有《名医谈百病》的《婴幼儿疾病》等科普小册子10余种,科普文章50余篇,常在电台广播。
  • 胡亚美
  • 胡亚美,女,1923年3月出生,籍贯:北京 政治面貌:中共党员;职称:教授;从事学科:儿内科  学术成就:  1.在儿童白血病的诊治方面取得突出成绩。小儿ALL五年无病生存率达74.4%,属国际先进水平。该项成果荣获1995年北京市科技进步一等奖。  2.主编的《实用儿科学》第六版获国家科技进步二等奖(1996)、国家新闻出版一等奖。此外尚有多部专著出版。  3.曾发表论文数十篇。并多次荣获科技成果奖。
  • 王钜
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:王钜性别:男职称:教授  职务:实验动物科学部,实验动物学系 主任  招生院所:基础医学院招生类型:科学学位(硕)  招生专业:动物学(硕)研究方向名称:实验动物生物学  电子信箱:wangju53@263.net  社会任职  1. 实验动物科学杂志副主编  2. 北京医学实验动物管理委员会秘书长  3. 北京实验动物科学专家委员会副主任委员  4. 中国实验动物学会常务理事  5. 北京实验动物协会副理事长  个人简历  1. 197807-198207:辽宁大学生物系微生物专业 学习  2. 198208-199505:辽宁中医学院生物教研室 助教\讲师  3. 198209-198409:中国医科大学在职研究生班进修 学习  4. 199505-200609:首都医科大学实验动物科学部\实验动物学系 主任/教授  5. 199709-199809:Illinois University,兽医学院 学习  6. 200004-200005:Jackson Lab and Charles River 实验动物标准、管理培训与学习  重要学术论文  1. 赵乔,蔡青,孟霞,朱力鸣,李胜利,焦守恕,王钜*.β-Amyloid蛋白在恒河猴脑组织中的形态学特点. 中国比较医学杂志. 2010,20(3):15-17.核心期刊  2. 王钜,卢静,孟霞,王晶晶.实验动物学本科学历教育与专业课程设置的. 实验动物科学. 2010,27(5):52-55.核心期刊  3. 吴琼, 翟原, 焦守恕, 孟霞,卢静,乔欣,王钜*.大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤中诱导CD4+T 细胞募集的趋化因子的表达. 中国比较医学杂志. 2009,19(4):40-43.核心期刊  4. 吴琼, 翟原, 焦守恕,孟霞,李胜利,苏红星, 王钜*.CD4+T细胞在大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤中作用的研究. 中国实验动物学报. 2009,17(1):65-70.核心期刊  5. 吴琼, 翟原, 焦守恕, 王钜.CXCL-10在肝脏缺血再灌损伤中的研究进展. 实验动物科学与管理. 2008,25(2):37-40.核心期刊  6. 杜小燕 王 钜 王 迎 路 静 陈振文* 李胜利.野生和驯养长爪沙鼠携带细菌情况的调查研究. 实验动物科学. 2008,25(1):15-20.核心期刊  7. 闫明; 王晶晶; 乔欣; 孟霞; 卢静; 焦守恕; 王钜*;.Cdk5与大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤时细胞凋亡的关系. 中国实验动物学报. 2008,16(2):117-121.核心期刊  8. 王秋宇,孟 霞,肖迎秋 ,高金娣 ,王 钜 ,卢 静*.实验动物机构的成本管理系统设计. 中国比较医学杂志. 2008,18(11):62-66.核心期刊  9. J. Li, K. Zhou, X. Meng, Q. Wu, S. Li, Y. Liu and J. Wang*.Increased ROS generation and SOD activity in heteroplasmic tissues of transmitochondrial mice with A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation. Genet. Mol. Res. . 2008, 4(7):1054-1062.SCI  10. 李继霞, 王钜*, 刘一农.mtDNA A3243G点突变小鼠模型的建立及其致病机制探讨. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版). 2008,34(6):421-428.EI  11. 闫明, 焦守恕,王钜*.周期素依赖蛋白激酶5在脑缺血中作用机制的研究. 实验动物科学. 2007,24(4):50-54.  12. 杨慧, 杜小燕, 刘瑜, 王珏, 王钜, 董小黎*.蒙古沙土鼠脑底Willis环变异类型的分析. 解剖学杂志. 2007,30(6):790-792.  13. 张琴, 王钜, 杜小燕*.热休克蛋白在沙鼠脑缺血后表达的研究进展. 实验动物与比较医学. 2007,27(2):145-148.  14. 李胜利,王 钜,陈振文*.实验动物福利发展浅析及教学体会. 中国比较医学杂志. 2007,17(8):53-54.  15. 刘巍, 王晶晶, 闫明, 吴琼, 卢静, 乔欣, 焦守恕,王钜*.一氧化氮合酶在大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤后时间-量的变化. 中国比较医学杂志. 2007,17(9):539-544.  16. 李继霞,李胜利,孟霞,刘一农,王钜*.在小鼠发育过程中线粒体基因组新型R环的表达. 细胞生物学杂志. 2007,29(6):905-909.  主编或副主编的著作/译著  1. 《实验动物学》,副主编,人民卫生出版社,201008  2. 《医学实验动物学》,副主编,人民卫生出版社,200811  3. 《人类疾病动物模型技术规范研究与应用》,主编,辽宁大学出版社,200801  4. 《悉生动物学》,主编,辽宁大学出版社,200712  5. 《现代医学实验动物学概论》,主编,中国协和医科大学出版社,2004  6. 《 屏障设施运行与管理》,副主编,军事医学科学出版社,2002
  • 陈振文
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:陈振文性别:男职称:教授  职务:实验动物学系副主任招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:细胞生物学(博) 动物学(硕)  研究方向名称:实验动物遗传与发育  电子信箱:czwen@sohu.com  社会任职  1. 中国实验动物学会第五届理事会常务理事,北京实验动物专家组成员,卫生部突发公共卫生事件国家级应急专家,中国医药生物技术协会实验室生物安全专业委员会会员,北京市实验动物行业协会监事会监事,中国实验灵长类养殖开发协会专家,中国实验动物学报编委,实验动物与比较医学编委,中华医学科技奖第二届评审委员会委员,国家自然基金第十二、十三届生命科学部评审专家(二审),公安部科技评审委员会委员  个人简历  1. 197909-198308:解放军兽医大学兽医专业 学习  2. 198309-198608:解放军兽医大学兽医外科教研室 助教  3. 198609-198907:解放军兽医大学硕士研究生 学习  4. 198908-199012:解放军农牧大学外科教研室 讲师  5. 199101-199401:解放军农牧大学实验动物中心 副主任  6. 199402-199903:解放军农牧大学实验动物中心 主任,副教授  7. 199904-200009:军事医学科学院实验动物中心 主任助理,副研究员  8. 200010-200310:军事医学科学院实验动物中心 教研室主任,研究员  9. 200311- :首都医科大学基础医学院实验动物学系 副主任,教授  重要学术论文  1. 左宝芬,杜小燕,霍学云,李振坤,陈振文*.五个C57BL/6J小鼠生产群的为卫星检测及遗传学质量分析. 实验动物与比较医学. 2012,32(1):51-55.核心期刊  2. Baofen Zuo,Xiaoyan Du, Jing Zhao, Huixin Yang, Chao Wang*,Yanhua Wu,Jing Lu,Ying Wang,Zhenwen Chen*.Analysis of Microsatellite Polymorphism in Inbred. PLoS ONE. 2012,7(4):1-7.SCI  3. Chao Wang, Ying Wang, Xiaoyan Du, Lin Zeng, Gang Dong, Yanhua Wu, Jing Lu, Deyou Wei, Xi Zhu, Guosheng Liu, Taiyun Zhao and Zhenwen Chen* .Rabies Immunization Status of Dogs, Beijing, China. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011,17(6):1129-1130.SCI  4. Xiaoyan Du, Xiangdong Zhu, Zhenwen Chen *, Jing Lu, Taiyun Zhao, Ying Wang, Ruisheng Li, Gang Dong .Characteristics of Circle of Willis Variations in the Mongolian Gerbil and a Newly Established Ischemia-Prone Gerbil Group. ILAR. 2011,52(1):1-7.SCI  5. Ye, Lixia Han, Qingjun Lu, Wanwei Dong, Zhenwen Chen, Hui Shao, Henry J. Kaplan, Qiutang Li and Qingxian Lu .Retinal Self-Antigen Induces a Predominantly Th1 Effector Response in Axl and Mertk Double-Knockout Mice. J Immunol. 2011,187(8):4178-4186.SCI  6. 谭元卿,李薇,杜小燕,路静,吴艳花,王超,陈振文*.种间转移扩增法筛选长爪沙鼠微卫星位点 . 实验动物学报. 2011,19(1):1-5.核心期刊  7. 李薇,江其辉,杜小燕,尚士臣,陈振文*.封闭群初中生还是遗传标准的建立. 实验动物科学. 2011,28(2):31-34.核心期刊  8. 郑振峰,杜小燕,王迎,路静,高丰*,陈振文*.长爪沙鼠脑底动脉Willis环变异缺失类型与脑缺血模型症状相关性分析. 中国兽医学报. 2011,31(6):908-912.核心期刊  9. 周好乐,杜小燕,路静,王迎,陈振文*.长爪沙鼠脑底动脉Willis环变异缺失遗传特性分析及脑缺血模型高发群体的初步培育. 中国比较医学杂志. 2011,21(8):46-49.核心期刊  10. Hanjin Wang,Jianmin Bian, Zhenwen Chen* ,Yinglei Miao ,Wenliang Li.A novel bombesin-like peptide from skin of Rana shuchinae. Mol Biol Rep. 2011,38(6):3599-3603.SCI  11. 马啸,叶华虎,杜小燕,王迎,陈振文*.慢病毒载体感染小鼠曲细精管的研究. 实验动物科学. 2010,27(1):5-9.核心期刊  12. Qiu J., Wang J., Luo H., Du X, Li H. , Luo M, Dong J., Chen Z*. and Deng X*.The effects of subinhibitory concentrations of costus oil on virulence factor production in Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2010,110:333-340.SCI  13. Xiaoyan Du, Zhen Wen CHEN*, Wei LI, Yuan Qing TAN, Jing LU, Xiang Dong ZHU, Tai Yun ZHAO, Gang DONG,Lin ZENG.Development of novel microsatellite DNA markers by cross-amplification and analysis of genetic variation in gerbils. Journal of Heredity. 2010,101(6):710-716.SCI  14. Pierre-Olivier Fernagut1, Qin Li, Sandra Dovero1, Piu Chan, Tao Wu, Paula Ravenscroft, Michael Hill, Zhenwen Chen, Erwan Bezard1.Dopamine Transporter Binding Is Unaffected by L-DOPAAdministration in Normal and MPTP-Treated Monkeys. PloS One. 2010,5(11):1-6.SCI  15. Li Li , Daxin Pang , Tiedong Wang, Zhanjun Li , Limei Chen , Mingjun Zhang , Na Song ,Daibang Nie , Zhenwen Chen , Liangxue Lai , Hongsheng Ouyang.Production of a reporter transgenic pig for monitoring Cre recombinase activity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2009,382:232–235.SCI  主编或副主编的著作/译著  1. 《高级实验动物专业技术人员考试参考教材. 北京:中国农业大学出版社》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201110  2. 《初级实验动物专业技术人员考试参考教材》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201110  3. 《高级动物实验专业技术人员考试参考教材》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201110  4. 《中级实验动物专业技术人员考试参考教材》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201110  5. 《中级动物实验专业技术人员考试参考教材 》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201109  6. 《初级动物实验专业技术人员考试参考教材》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201109  7. 《实验动物从业人员上岗培训教材》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201108  8. 《实验动物福利与动物实验科学》,主编,科学出版社,201106  9. 《实验动物管理与使用手册.北京:,2010.11.主编》,主编,中国农业大学出版社,201011  10. 《实验动物质量控制》,副主编,中国标准出版社,200804  11. 《实验动物学基础—北京市实验动物从业人员上岗培训教材》,副主编,北京科学技术出版社,200504  12. 《现代医学实验动物学概论》,主编,中国协和医科大学出版社,200406  13. 《屏障设施运行与管理—北京市实验动物从业人员培训教材. 北京: 》,副主编,军事医学科学出版社,200212  14. 《医学实验模型动物 》,副主编,军事医学科学出版社,200211  15. 《医学实验动物标准化管理指南》,副主编,吉林科学技术出版社,199810  16. 《医学实验动物学》,副主编,四川科学技术出版社,199805  重要奖项  1. 军队科技进步 分子生物学技术在近交系大、小鼠遗传监测中的应用研究 三等奖 200212  2. 军队科技进步 比格犬人工繁殖技术研究 三等奖 200102  3. 军队科技进步 獭兔杂交育种研究 二等奖 199910  4. 军队科技进步 普通级实验动物大、小鼠病毒捕获抗体ELISA方法的建立及监测试剂盒的研究 三等奖 199802  5. 军队科技进步 弹性肢体连续延长器的研究及临床应用 二等奖 199410
  • 王军
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:王军性别:女职称:教授  职务:基础医学院副院长招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:生理学(博) 生理学(硕)  研究方向名称:肺循环生理与病理生理  电子信箱:wangjunbw@gmail.com  社会任职  1. 心脏杂志编委  2. 北京生理科学会理事  3. 中国生理学会青年工作委员会委员  4. 国际呼吸杂志编委  5. 中华医学会呼吸分会肺循环专业委员会委员  6. 国际肺血管病研究院理事  7. 应用生理学杂志编委  8. 中华医学会高原医学分会常委  9. PVRI Review 中文版副主编  10. pulmonary circualtion 编委  11. 中国生理学会副秘书长  个人简历  重要学术论文  1. Miao R, Liu J, Wang J.Overview of Mouse Pulmonary Embolism Models. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models. 2011,【未填写卷(期)】:Epub.  2. Min X, Li H,Hou S,He W, Liu J,Hu B,Wang J*.Dysfunction of volume-sensitive chloride channels contributes to Cisplatin resistance in human lung adenocarcinoma cells. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2011,【未填写卷(期)】:Epub.SCI  3. Kuang T, Wang J,Pang B,Huang H,Burg E,Yuan J, Wang C.Combination of sildenafil and simvastatin ameliorates monocrotaline-induced. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2010,23:456-464.SCI  4. Wan J, Lu L, Miao R, Liu J, Xu X, Yang T, Hu Q,Wang J, Wang C.Alterations of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells following acute pulmonary embolism in mice. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2010,9(11):885-891.SCI  5. Shi LP, Xu M, Liu J, Zhang ZF, Bao ZS, Wang YX, Wang C,Wang J*.K(ATP) channels are involved in regulatory volume decrease in rat cardiac myocytes. Physiological Research. 2009,58:645-652.SCI  6. Liu Y, Wang C*, Yang Y, Hou X, Wang J*.Pro-urokinase up-regulates the expression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) in human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells. Thrombosis Research. 2008,121:485-491.SCI  7. Wang C, Wang J*, Zhao L, Wang Y, Liu J, Shi, L Xu M, and Wang C*.Sildenafil inhibits human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation by decreasing capacitative Ca2+ entry. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences.. 2008,108:71-78.SCI  8. Wang Y, Wang J*, Wang C, Liu J, Shi L, Xu M, Wang C*.Functional expression of transient receptor potential vanilloid-related channels in chronically hypoxic human pulmonary arteial smooth muscle cells.. Journal of Membrane Biology.. 2008,223:151-159.SCI  9. 7Zhang Z, Huang H, Liu P, Tang C. Wang J* .Hydrogen sulfide contributes to cardioprotection during ischemia reprefusion injury by opening KATP channels. Canada Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2007,85:1248-1253.SCI  10. Wang J, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Hou X, Cui Q, ZangY, Wang C*.SEA0400, a Novel Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Inhibitor, Reduces Calcium overload induced by ischemia and reperfusioon in mouse ventricular myocyte. Physiological Research. 2007,56:17-23.SCI  11. Wang J, Xu H, Sun X, Niu W.Pharmocological and Biophysical Properties of Swelling-Acitivated Chloride Channel in Mouse Cardiac Myocytes. The Chinese Journal of Physiology. 2006,49:126-132.SCI  12. Wang J Xu H, Morishima S, Tanabe S , Jishage K, Uchida S, Saasaki S, Okada Y, Shimizu T*.Single channel properties of volume sensitive Cl channel in ClC-3 deficient cardiomyocytes. Japanese Journal of Physiology. 2005,55:379-383.SCI  13. Wang J, Morishima S, Okada Y*.IK channels are involved in the regulatory volume decrease in human epithelial cells. American Journal of Physiology cell physiology. 2003,284:C677-C684.SCI
  • 朱进霞
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:朱进霞性别:女职称:教授  职务:生理学与病理生理学系主任  招生院所:基础医学院招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:生理学(博) 生理学(硕)  研究方向名称:肠胺与胃肠胰功能调节  电子信箱:1959zhujinxia@163.com  社会任职  1. Br J Pharmacol,PLoS One,Acta Physiol,J Physiol Sci,Cell Biology International,J Gastroenterol and Hepatol,Acta Pharmacol Sin,Acta Physiol Sin,中国应用生理学杂志,基础医学与临床,生理科学进展等杂志的评审专家  2. 中国生理通讯 副主编  3. 中国生理学会科普工作委员会委员;中国生理学会继续教育工作委员会委员;中华医学会消化动力专业委员会委员  4. 美国胃肠学会(AGA) 会员;美国神经胃肠与动力-功能性脑肠研究学会(ANMS/FBG) 会员  5. 中国生理学会 理事  6. 中国生理学会消化内分泌生殖代谢生理专业委员会 副主任委员  7. 中国应用生理学杂志、世界华人消化杂志等期刊 编委  个人简历  1. 197802-198212:河南医科大学,临床医疗专业 本科学生  2. 198301-198408:河南医科大学,生理学教研室 助教  3. 198409-198707:河南医科大学,(神经)解剖学专业 硕士研究生  4. 198708-199209:河南医科大学,生理学教研室 助教/讲师  5. 199210-199609:河南医科大学,生理学教研室 副教授(破格晋升),教研室副主任,;硕士生导师(1995年)  6. 199610-200408:河南医科大学(现为郑州大学医学院),生理学教研室 教授(破格晋升),硕士生导师  7. 199611-199909:美国密西根大学,医学中心 访问学者(Postdoctoral Training)  8. 200102-200107:香港中文大学,上皮研究中心 访问学者  9. 200109-200408:香港中文大学,生理学系 博士研究生  10. 200409- :首都医科大学,生理学与病理生理学系 教授、博士生导师、系主任  重要学术论文  1. Wang Q, Ji T, Zheng LF, Feng XY, Wang ZY, Lian H, Song J, Li XF, Zhang Y, Zhu JX*.Cellular localization of dopamine receptors in gastric mucosa of rats . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(BBRC). 2012,417:197-203.SCI  2. Xu JD, Liu S, Wang W, Li LS, Li XF, Li Y, Guo H, Ji T, Feng XY, Hou XL, Zhang Y, Zhu JX* .Emodin induces chloride secretion in rat distal colon through activation of mast cells and enteric neurons . Br J Pharmacol. 2012,165:197–207.SCI  3. Zhang XH, Guo H, Xu JD, Li Y, Li LS LI XF, Zheng LF, Zhang Y, Duan ZP Zhu JX*.Dopamine receptor D1 mediates the inhibition of dopamine on the distal colonic motility . Transl Res. 2012,159:407-414.SCI  4. Ji Tuo, Liu SM, Zheng LF, Wang Q, Dou ZF, Zhang Y, Zhu JX*.Cellular distribution of NKCC2 in the gastric mucosa and its response to short-term osmotic shock . Cell and Tissue Research. 2012,348(1):155-65.SCI  5. Li LS, Zheng LF, Xu JD, Ji T, Li Y, Li XF, Guo H, Zhang Y, Zhu JX*.Entacapone promotes cAMP-dependent colonic Cl– secretion in rats. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2011,23:657-e277.SCI  6. Gao Y , Liu L, Li XF, Song YZ, Zhang Y, Zhu JX*.The Predominant Distribution of Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 in the α Cells and δ Cells, Not β Cells, in Rat Islets. Pancreas . 2011,40:1149-1151.SCI  7. Zheng LF, Wang ZY, Li XF, Song J, Lian H, Wang Q, Feng XY, Hong F, Tang YY , Zhang Y, Zhu JX*.Reduced expression of choline acetyltransferase in vagal motoneurons and gastric motor dysfunction in a 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Brain Res. 2011,1420:59-67.SCI  8. Zhu JX*,Xue H, Ji T, Xing Y .Cellular localization of NKCC2 and its possible role in the Cl- absorption in the rat and human distal colonic epithelia. Transl Res. 2011,158:146-154.SCI  9. Li Y, Li XF, Hua Guo, Xu JD, Zhang XH, Li LS, Feng XY, Zhang Y, Duan ZP, Zhu JX*.Colonic submucosal 5-HT(3) receptor-mediated somatostatin-dependent secretoinhibitory pathway is suppressed in water-immersion restraint stressed rats . Eur J Pharmacol.. 2011,656:94-100.SCI  10. Rong WF and Zhu JX.Neurogastroenterology and motility around the world: Emerging excellence in mainland China.. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2010,22:949-952.SCI  11. Zhang XH, Ji T, Guo H, Liu SM, Li Y, Zheng LF, Zhang Y, Zhang XF, Duan ZP and Zhu JX*.Expression and activation of b-adrenoceptors in the colorectal mucosa of rat and human. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2010,22:e325-334.SCI  12. Yang N, Liu SM, Zheng LF, Ji T, Li Y, Mi XL, Xue H, Ren W, Xu JD, Zhang XH, Li LS, Zhang Y and Zhu JX*.Activation of Submucosal 5-HT3 Receptor Elicits a Somatostatin- dependent Inhibition of Rat Colonic Secretion. British Journal of Pharmacology . 2010,159:1623-1635.SCI  13. Sheppard DN, Zhu JX, Chan HC.Unravelling the complexity of Cl- channels: how long is a piece of string? . J Physiol . 2009,587:2113-2114.SCI  14. Xue H, Liu SM, Ji T, Ren W, Zhang XH, Zheng LF, Wood JD, Zhu JX*.Expression of NKCC2 in the rat gastrointestinal tract. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2009,21(10):1068-e89.SCI  15. Zhang XH, Zhang XF, Zhang JQ, Tian YM, Xue H, Zheng LF Yang N, Zhu JX*.β-adrenoceptors, but not dopamine receptors, mediate dopamine-induced ion transport in late distal colon of rats. Cell and Tissue Research. 2008,334(1):25-35.SCI  16. Zou N, Lv H, Li J, Yang N, Xue H, Zhu JX,Qian J..Changes in brain G proteins and colonic sympathetic neural signaling in chronic-acute combined stress rat model of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).. Transl Res.. 2008,152(6) :283-289.SCI  17. Yang N, Tian YM, Zhang,XH, Zheng LF, Xue H, Zhu L, Zhu JX*.A dual role of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor3 in serotonin induced ion transport in rat distal colon. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008,584:137–143.SCI  18. Tian YM, Chen X, Luo DZ, Zhang XH, Xue H, Zheng LF, Yang N, Wang XM, Zhu JX*. Alteration of dopaminergic markers in gastrointestinal tract of different rodent models of parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience. 2008,153(3):634-644 .SCI  19. Xu JD, Wang W, Li LS, Chen X, Zhu JX*. Involvment of endogenous prostaglandin in emodin evoked rat colonic anion secretion. Biol Pharm Bull. 2007,30(11):2058-11.SCI  20. Zhu JX*,Chan HC. Effects of Bak Foong Pill and its active components on body functions and gastrointestinal epithelial ion transport (Invited review). Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2007,59(4):477-486.核心期刊  21. Xue H, Tian YM, Yan M, Yang N, Chen X, Xing Y, Zhu JX*. Appearance of segmental discrepancy of anion transport in rat distal colon. Biol Pharm Bull. 2007,30(8):1407-11.SCI  22. Zhang GH , Zhu JX*, Xue H, Fan J, Chen X, Tsang LL, Chung YW, Xing Y, Chan HC.Dopamine stimulates Cl- absorption coupled with HCO3- secretion in rat late distal colon. Eur J Pharmacol. 2007,570:188–195.SCI  23. Zhu JX, Yang N, Zhu H, Chung YW, Chan HC. Effect of NYD-SP27 down-regulation on ATP-induced Ca2+-dependent pancreatic duct anion secretion in cystic fibrosis cells. Cell Biol Int. 2007,31:521-525.SCI  24. Yang N, Xue H, Guo H, Chen X, Zhu JX*.Segmental heterogeneity of epithelial ion transport induced by stimulants in rat distal colon. Biol Pharm Bull. 2006,29:1825-9.SCI  25. Zhu JX, Zhang GH, Yang N, Connie Wong HY, Chung YW, Chan HC. Involvement of intracellular & extracellular Ca2+ in tetramethylpyrazine-induced colonic anion secretion. Cell Biology International. 2006,30:547-52.SCI  26. He Q, Zhu JX, Xing Y, Tsang LL, Yang N, Rowlands DK, Chung YW, Chan HC. Tetramethylpyrazine stimulates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator-mediated anion secretion in distal colon of rodents. World J Gastroenterol. 2005,11(27):4173-4179.SCI  27. Wu XY, Zhu JX, Gao J, Owyang C, Li Y. Neurochemical phenotype of vagal afferent neurons activated to express c-fos in response to luminal stimulation in the rat. Neuroscience. 2005,130:757–767.SCI  28. Zhao WC, Zhu JX, Zhang GH, Wong CH, Chung YW, Chan HC. Effect of sodium ferulate on human colonic anion secretion and the underlying signaling mechanism. Biol Pharm Bull. 2005,28(9):1608-11.SCI  29. Zhu JX, Zhang GH, Yang N, Rowlands DK, Wong HY, Tsang LL, Chung YW, Chan HC.Activation of apical CFTR and basolateral Ca2+-activated K+ channels by tetramethylpyrazine in Caco-2 cell line. Eur J Pharmacol. 2005,510:187-195.SCI  30. Zhu JX, Yang N, He Q, Tsang LL, Zhao WC, Chung YW, Chan HC. Differential Cl- and HCO3- mediated anion secretion by different colonic cell types in response to tetromethylpyrazine. World J Gastroenterol. 2004,10:1763–1768.SCI  31. Zhu JX, Yang N, Zhang GH, Tsang LL, Gou YL, Wong HY, Chung YW, Chan HC. Improvement of barrier function and stimulation of colonic epithelial anion secretion by Menoease Pills. World J Gastroenterol. 2004,10:2514-2518.SCI  32. Ning Y, Zhu JX, Chan HC. Regulation of ion transport by 5-hydroxytryptamine in rat colon. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2004,31(7):424-8.SCI  33. Zhu H, Zhu JX, Lo PS, Li J, Leung KM, Rowlands DK, Tsang LL, Yu MK, Jiang JL, Lam SY, Chung YW, Zhou Z, Sha J, Chan HC.Rescue of defective pancreatic secretion in cystic-fibrosis cells by suppression of a novel isoform of phospholipase C. Lancet. 2003,362(9401):2059-65.SCI  34. Zhao WC, Zhu JX, Tang N, Gou YL, Rowlands DK, Chung YW, Xing Y, Chan HC. Effect of tetramethylpyrazine on exocrine pancreatic and bile secretion. World J Gastroenterol. 2003,9(11):2505-8.SCI  35. Tang N, Zhu JX, Zhao WC, Xing Y, Gou YL, Rowlands DK, Chung YW, Chan HC. Effect of Bak Foong pills on exocrine pancreatic-bile secretion. Biol Pharm Bull. 2003,26(10):1384-7.SCI  36. Li Y, Wu X, Zhu JX, Yan J, Owyang C. Hypothalamic regulation of pancreatic secretion is mediated by central cholinergic pathways in the rat. J Physiol. 2003,552:571-87.SCI  37. Xing Y, He Q, Zhu JX, Chan HC.Basolateral membrane mechanisms involved in ligustrazine-stimulated anion secretion in rat distal colon. Sheng Li Xue Bao (in Chinese) . 2003,55:653-7.核心期刊  38. Zhu JX, Lo PS, Zhao WC, Tang N, Zhou Q, Rowlands DK, Gou YL, Chung YW, Chan HC. Bak Foong Pills stimulate anion secretion across normal and cystic fibrosis pancreatic duct epithelia. Cell Biol Int. 2002,26:1011-8.SCI  39. Zhu JX, Chan YM, Tsang LL, Chan LN, Zhou Q, Zhou CX, Chan HC. Cellular signaling mechanisms underlying pharmacological action of Bak Foong Pills on gastrointestinal secretion. Jpn J Physiol. 2002,52:129-34.SCI  40. Zhu JX, Zhu XY, Owyang C, Li Y. Intestinal serotonin acts as a paracrine substance to mediate vagal signal transmission evoked by luminal factors in the rat. J Physiol. 2001,530:431-42.SCI  41. Li Y, Wu XY, Zhu JX, Owyang C. Intestinal serotonin acts as paracrine substance to mediate pancreatic secretion stimulated by luminal factors. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol . 2001,281:G916-23.SCI  42. Li Y, Hao YB, Zhu JX, Owyang C. Serotonin released from intestinal enterochromaffin cells mediates luminal non-cholecystokinin-stimulated pancreatic secretion in rats. Gastroenterology. 2000,118:1197-207.SCI  43. Li Y, Zhu JX, Owyang C. Electrical physiological evidence for highand low-affinity vagal CCK-A receptors . Am J Physiol . 1999,277:G469-77.SCI  44. Zhu JX, Tang SB, Wu XY, Jiang B. Role of catecholamines in action of nicotine on slow action potentials in guinea pig papillary muscles. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao (in Chinese). 1992,13:361-3.SCI  主编或副主编的著作/译著  1. 《基础医学》,主编,中国医药科技出版社,201010  2. 《医学生理学》,副主编,北京大学医学出版社,200908  3. 《生理学》,副主编,人民卫生出版社,200803  4. 《生理学学习指导和习题集》,主编,人民卫生出版社,200803  5. 《人体生理学》,副主编,北京大学出版社,200801  6. 《生理学应考指南》,主编,河南医科大学出版社,1996  7. 《医用生理学》,主编,河南人民出版社,1995  重要奖项  1. Young Investigator Travel Award (USA) 第一名 1998  2. 河南省中医药管理局科技成果 二等奖(第一名) 1996  3. 《吸烟有害健康》科普录像获河南省教委电教成果 一等奖(主编) 1996  4. 《蛙心灌流》实验教学录像获河南省教委电教成果 一等奖(撰稿人) 1995  5. 家兔颈部手术解剖幻灯获河南省教委电教成果 二等奖(负责人) 1995  6. 河南省科委科技进步 三等奖(第一名) 1994  7. 中国生理学会第三届张锡钧基金会青年优秀生理学学术论文奖 青年优秀学术论文奖 (第一名) 1993  8. 河南省卫生厅科技成果 二等奖(第一名) 1993  9. 河南省教委优秀学术论文 一等奖(第一名) 1992
  • 汪璇
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:汪璇性别:女职称:副教授  职务:生理学与病理生理学系副主任  招生院所:基础医学院招生类型:科学学位(硕)  招生专业:生理学(硕)研究方向名称:干细胞增殖与分化机制  电子信箱:wangxuan@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  个人简历  1. 199209-199707:大连医科大学 学习  2. 199709-200007:中国医科大学 读硕士  3. 200009-200307:北京大学神经科学研究所 读博士  4. 200311-200509:军事医学科学院基础医学研究所 博士后工作  5. 200509-201006:首都医科大学基础医学院生理学系 副教授  6. 201006- :首都医科大学基础医学院生理学与病理生理学系 学系副主任  重要学术论文  1. Jinsong Wang1, Xuan Wang1, Zuoli Sun, Xiaomin Wang, Hui Yang, Songtao Shi, Songlin Wang.Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth can differentiate into dopaminergic neuron-like cells. Stem Cell Dev. 2010,19(9):1375-1383.SC
  • 王晓民
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:王晓民性别:男职称:教授  职务:副校长,系主任招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:神经系统退变性疾病  电子信箱:xmwang@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  1. 教育部神经变性病重点实验室主任。  2. 北京脑重大疾病重点实验室—省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地 主任  3. 中国生理学会理事长  4. 《转化医学研究》杂志,总编  个人简历  1. 197802-198212:中国医科大学医疗系 学习  2. 198212-198908:大连医科大学病理生理教研室 助教、硕士研究生、讲师  3. 198909-199105:北京医科大学生理学系 博士研究生  4. 199106-199306:德国慕尼黑大学生理研究所 博士研究生  5. 199306-199812:北京医科大学生理学系 副教授、教授  6. 199901-200005:北京医科大学神经科学研究所、北京医科大学神经生物学系 教授、副所长、副系主任  7. 200005-200312:北京大学神经科学研究所、北京大学医学部神经生物学系 教授、副所长、副系主任  8. 200312-200512:首都医科大学基础医学院 教授、院长、副校长  9. 200808- :首都医科大学神经生物学系 教授、系主任、副校长  重要学术论文  1. Zhanjun Zhang, Dantao Peng, Haiyan Zhu, Xiao-Min Wang*.Experimental Evidence of Ginkgo Biloba Extract EGB as a Neuroprotective Agent in Ischemia Stroke Rats. Brain Res Bull.. 2012,87:193-198.SCI  2. Jun Jia, Yan Yu, Jia-Hui Deng, Nicola Robinson, Mark Bovey Yun-Hua Cui, Hui-Rong Liu, Wei Ding, Huan-Gan Wu*, Xiao-Min Wang*.A review of Omics research in acupuncture: the relevance and future prospects for understanding the nature of meridians and acupoints. . Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012,140:594- 603.SCI  3. Jinxia Zhou, Melissa Broe, Yue Huang, John P. Anderson,Wei-Ping Gai, Elizabeth A. Milward,Michelle Porritt, David Howells,Andrew J. Hughes, Xiaomin Wang, Glenda M. Halliday. .Changes in the solubility and phosphorylation of a-synuclein over the course of Parkinson’s disease. . Acta Neuropathol. 2011,121:695–704.SCI  4. Shi F, Liang ZG, Guo ZX, Li R, Yu F, Zhang ZJ, Wang X*, Wang XM*.Senegenin promotes in vitro proliferation of human neural progenitor cells. . Neural Regen Res. . 2011,6:171-176.SCI  5. Xie Y, Zhang YQ, Zheng Z, Liu AH, Wang X, Zhuang P, Li YJ, Wang XM*..Changes in speech characters of patients with Parkinson’s disease after bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation.. J Voice. 2011,25(6):751-8. 2011,25:751-8.SCI  6. Yan-Qiu Cui, Li-Juan Zhang, Ting Zhang, Ding-Zhen Luo, Yan-Jun Jia, Zi-Xuan Guo, Quan-Bin Zhang, Xuan Wang, Xiaomin Wang∗.Inhibitory Effect of Fucoidan on Nitric Oxide Production in Lipopolysaccharide-activated Primary Microglia. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 2010,37:422–428.SCI  7. Jun Jia, Bo Li, Zuo-Li Sun, Fen Yu, Xuan Wang, and Xiaomin Wang∗.Electro-acupuncture Stimulation Acts on the Basal Ganglia Output Pathway to Ameliorate Motor Impairment in Parkinsonian Model Rats. Behav Neurosci. 2010,24:305-10.SCI  8. Li Lu, Fengqiao Li, Xiaomin Wang*.Novel therapeutic agents for Parkinson disease through anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2010,9:232-40.SCI  9. Guo Z, Shi F, Zhang L, Zhang H, Yang J, Li B, Jia J, Wang X, Wang XM∗.Critical role of L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in neural progenitor cell proliferation induced by hypoxia.. Neuroscience Letters. 2010,479:187–191.SCI  10. Feng Zhao, Xiaotong Fan, Richard Grondin Ramsey Edwards, Eric Forman, Jennifer Moorehead, Greg Gerhardt, Xiaomin Wang *.Improved methods for electroacupuncture and electromyographic recordings in normal and parkinsonian rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci Methods.. 2010,192:199-206.SCI  11. Yan Zheng, Lijuan Zhang, Qingjun Lu, Xuan Wang, Fen Yu, Xiaomin Wang,* Qingxian Lu*.NGF-induced Tyro3 and Axl function as survival factors for differentiating PC12 cells.. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2009, 378:371–375.SCI  12. Limin Liu, Bo Li, Yong Wang, Jun Jia, Zuoli Sun, Jinming Zhang, Jiahe Tian, Xiaomin Wang *.Evaluation of nigrostriatal damage and its change over weeks in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: small animal positron emission tomography studies with [11C]β-CFT. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 2009,36:941-947.SCI  13. Yong Wang, Xuan Wang, Limin Liu, Xiaomin Wang∗.HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A-inhibited survival of dopaminergic neuronal cells. Neuroscience Letters. 2009,467:212-216.SCI  14. Kairong Li , Bing Xue, Yue Wang, Xuan Wang, Haomin Wang, and Xiaomin Wang *.Regional differences in and the molecular basis of the regulation of the development of embryonic dopaminergic neurons by neonatal astrocytes. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2009,37:288-300..SCI  15. Jun Jia, Zuoli Sun, Bo Li, Xuan Wang, Xiaomin Wang *.Electro-acupuncture stimulation improves motor disorders in Parkinsonian rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 2009,205:214–218.SCI  16. Dingzhen Luo, Quanbin Zhang , Haomin Wang, Yanqiu Cui, Zuoli Sun, Jian Yang, Yan Zheng, Jun Jia, Fen Yu, Xuan Wang, Xiaomin Wang *.Fucoidan protects against dopaminergic neuron death in vivo and in vitro. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2009,617:33–40.SCI  17. Ting Zhang , Jing Hu , Wei Ding and Xiaomin Wang *.Doxorubicin Augments rAAV-2 Transduction in Rat Neuronal Cells. Neurochemistry International. 2009,55:521-528.SCI  18. Xuan Wang, Xi-Bin Liang, Feng-Qiao Li ,Hui-Fang Zhou, Xian-Yu Liu, Jian-Jun Wang, Xiao-Min Wang*.Therapeutic Strategies for Parkinson’s Disease: The Ancient Meets the Future—Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, Electroacupuncture, Gene Therapy and Stem Cells. Neurochemical Research. 2008,33(10):1956-63.SCI  19. Wang X, Wu H, Zhang Z, Liu S, Yang J, Chen X, Fan M, Wang XM*.Effects of interleukin-6, leukemia inhibitory factor, and ciliary neurotrophic factor on the proliferation and differentiation of adult human myoblasts. Cell Molecular Neurobiology. 2008,28(1)::113-24.SCI  20. YM. Tian, X. Chen, DZ. Luo, XH. Zhang, H. Xue,LF. Zheng, N. Yang, XM. WANG* and JX. Zhu*.Alteration of dopaminergic markers in gastrointestinal tract of different rodent models of Parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience. 2008,153:634-644.SCI  21. Yuntao Gong, Bing Xue, Jian Jiao, Liming Jing, Xiaomin Wang*. .Triptolide, a chinese herbal extract, inhibits cox-2 expression and PGE2 release by suppressing the activity of nuclear factor-κb and c-jun nh2-terminal kinase in microglia following lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Journal of Neurochemstry. 2008,107(3):779-788.SCI  22. Jian Jiao, Bing Xue, Lei Zhang, Yuntao Gong, Kairong Li, Haomin Wang, Liming Jing, Junxia Xie, Xiaomin Wang*.Triptolide inhibits amyloid-β1-42-induced TNF-α and IL-1β production in cultured rat microglia. . Journal of Neuroimmunology. 2008,205:32–36.SCI  23. Bing Xue; Jian Jiao; Lei Zhang; Kai-Rong Li; Yun-Tao Gong; Jun-Xia Xie; Xiao-Min Wang*.Triptolide Upregulates NGF Synthesis in Rat Astrocyte Cultures. Neurochemical Research. 2007,32(7)::1113-9.SCI  24. Jun Jia, Xiaomin Wang13. Jun Jia, Xiaomin Wang*, Hua Li, Song Han, Pengyu Zu, Junfa Li.Involved in Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation-induced Neuroprotection via NMDA Receptors in Hippocampal Slices of Mice. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2007,19:18–24.SCI  25. Hui-Fang Zhou, Xian-Yu Liu, Dong-Bin Niu, Feng-Qiao Li, Qi-Hua He, Xiao-Min Wang*.Triptolide protects dopaminergic neurons from inflammation -mediated damage induced by lipopolysaccharide intranigral injection. Neurobiology of Disease. 2005,18:441– 449.SCI  26. Jianjun Wang, Dongbin Niu, Ting Zhang, Kun Wang, Bing Xue, Xiao-Min Wang*.A tetracycline-regulatable adeno-associated virus vector for double-gene transfer.. Neuroscce Letters. 2005,378:106-110.SCI  27. Xuan Wang, Xiaoxia Li, Kun Wang, Huifang Zhou, Bing Xue, Linsong Li, Xiaomin Wang*.Forskolin Cooperating with Growth Factor on Generation of Dopaminergic Neurons from Human Fetal Mesencephalic Neural Progenitor Cells. Neuroscience Letters. 2004,362:117-121.EI  28. Kun Wang, Jian-Jun Wang, Yue Wang, Qi-Hua He, Xuan Wang and Xiao-Min Wang*.Intrastriatal Administration of Epidermal Growth Factor and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Up-Regulate Proliferation and Neuronal Differentiation of Adult Neural Progenitor Cells Derived From the Striatum In Parkinsonian Rats. . Neuroscience Letters. 2004,364(3):154-158.SCI  29. Feng-Qiao Li, Xiu-Zhi Lu, Xi-Bin Liang, Hui-Fang Zhou, Bing Xue, Xian-Yu Liu, Dong-Bin Niu, Ji-Sheng Han, Xiao-Min Wang*.Triptolide, a Chinese herbal extract, protects dopaminergic neurons from inflammation-mediated damage through inhibition of microglial activation. J Neuroimmunology. 2004,148: 24-31.SCI  30. Xi-Bin Liang, Yong Luo, Xian-Yu Liu, Jun Lu, Feng-Qiao Li, Qian Wang, Xiao-Min Wang*, Ji-Sheng Han..Electro-acupuncture stimulation protects dopaminergic neurons from inflammation-mediated damage in medial forebrain bundle transected rats.. Experimental Neurology. 2004,189:189-196.SCI  31. Xuan Wang, Yanyan Lu, Huanqing Zhang, Kun Wang, Qihua He, Yue Wang, Xianyu Liu, Linsong Li, Xiaomin Wang*.Distinct Efficacy of Pre-differentiated Versus Intact Fetal Mesencephalon-Derived Human Neural Progenitor Cells in Alleviating Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 2004,22 (4):175-183.SCI  32. Xi-Bin Liang, Yong Luo, Xian-Yu Liu, Jun Lu, Feng-Qiao Li, Qian Wang, Xiao-Min Wang*, Ji-Sheng Han.Electro-acupuncture improves behavior and upregulates GDNF mRNA in MFB transected rats.. NeuroReport. 2003,14(8):1177-81.SCI  33. Hui-Fang Zhou, Bing Xue, Feng-Qiao Li, Xian-Yu Liu, Qi-Hua He, Xin-Hong Wang and Xiao-Min Wang*.Triptolide (PG490) inhibits TNF-α, IL-1β and NO production in primary microglia-enriched cultures.. NeuroReport. 2003,14:1091-1095.SCI  34. Feng-Qiao Li, Xiao-Xin Cheng, Xi-Bin Liang, Xin-Hong Wang,Bing *Xue, Qi-Hua He, Xiao-Min Wang*, Ji-Sheng Han.Neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects of tripchlorolide, an extract of Chinese herb Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F, on dopaminergic neurons. . Experimental Neurology. 2003,179:28-37.SCI  主编或副主编的著作/译著  1. 《从分子到网络-细胞和分子神经科学导论》,主译,科学出版社,201006  2. 《神经科学进展(四)》,主编,高等教育出版社,200606  3. 《从分子到网络-细胞和分子神经科学导论》,主译,科学出版社,200603  4. 《神经科学进展(三)》,主编,高等教育出版社,200406  5. 《神经科学进展(二)》,主编,高等教育出版社,200309  6. 《神经科学进展(一)》,主编,科学出版社,200202
  • 张建亮
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:张建亮性别:男职称:副教授  职务:招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(硕)招生专业:神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:帕金森病相关蛋白的结构-功能关系  电子信箱:jlzhang@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  个人简历  1. 200109-200408:中国科学院动物研究所 攻读博士  2. 200411-200503:澳大利亚联邦科学和工业研究组织(CSIRO) 访问学者  3. 200504-200603:中国科学院植物所 助理研究员  4. 200604-200905:美国Barrow神经研究所 博士后  5. 200906-201006:比利时鲁汶大学医学院 博士后  重要学术论文  1. Jianliang Zhang, Fenqin Xue, Wen Wu, Paul Whiteaker, Jie Wu,Yao Huang, Ronald J. Lukas, Yongchang Chang.Functional impact of the RS12899798 single nucleotide polymorphism in human α7 nicotinic receptor. Journal of Physiology. 2012,【未填写卷(期)】:Submitted.SCI  2. Jianliang Zhang, Fenqin Xue, Paul Whiteaker, Chaokun Li, Wen Wu, Benchang Shen, Yao Huang, Ronald J. Lukas, and Yongchang Chang.Desensitization of nicotinic receptor is governed by coupling strength and gate tightness. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011,286:25331-25340.SCI  3. Jianliang Zhang, Fenqin Xue, Yongchang Chang.Agonist- and antagonist-induced conformational changes of loop F and their contributions to the ρ1 GABA receptor function. Journal of Physiology (London). 2009,587(1):139-153.SCI
  • 李俊发
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:李俊发性别:男职称:教授  职务:系常务副主任招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:脑缺血/低氧损伤和适应机制研究  电子信箱:junfali@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  1. 中国生理学会理事  2. 北京生理科学会秘书长  3. 《生理通讯》副主编  4. 《基础医学与临床》常务编委  5. 《中华眼底病杂志》编委  6. 中国生物化学和分子生物学会、中国生理学会、北京生理科学会、北京神经科学会等学术团体会员  7. 《生理学报》《生理科学进展》《中华医学杂志》《中国科技论文在线》和《自然科学进展》等国内杂志审稿专家  8. Neurobiol Dis, Brain Res, Neurosci Lett, Eur J Anaesth, J Neurosci Meth, J Neurosci Res, Cell Mol Biol Lett等SCI杂志审稿专家  9. 中国神经科学学会教育与继续教育工作委员会 委员  个人简历  1. 198109-198608:首都医科大学 医学学士  2. 198608-198908:北京医学高等专科学校(现首都医科大学燕京医学院) 助教,兼校团委书记  3. 198908-199206:中国协和医科大学 医学硕士  4. 199206-199602:北京医学高等专科学校(现首都医科大学燕京医学院) 讲师,兼教务处副处长  5. 199602-200102:美国国立卫生研究院(NIH) 访问学者  6. 200102-200612:首都医科大学神经生物学系 副研究员/副教授、副主任  7. 200308-200607:首都医科大学 神经生物学博士  8. 200501-200912:首都医科大学分子生物学实验测试室 主任  9. 200701-200712:首都医科大学神经生物学系 教授、博导、副主任  10. 200801- :首都医科大学神经生物学系 教授、博导、常务副主任  重要学术论文  1. Shu L, Li T, Han S, Ji F, Pan C, Zhang B, Li J (李俊发)*.Inhibition of neuron-specific CREB dephosphorylation is involved in Propofol and Ketamine-induced neuroprotection against cerebral ischemic injuries of mice. Neurochemical Research. 2012,37:49-58.SCI  2. Shi Y, Wang C, Han S, Pang B, Zhang N, Wang J, Li J (李俊发)*.Determination of PKC isoform-specific protein expression in pulmonary arteries of rats with chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. Medical Science Monitor. 2012,18(2):BR69-75.SCI  3. Liu C, Peng Z, Zhang N, Yu L, Han S, Li D, Li J (李俊发)*.Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs and their PKC-isoform specific gene network prediction during hypoxic preconditioning and focal cerebral ischemia of mice. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2012,120:830-841.SCI  4. Li Z, Li J (李俊发), Bu X, Liu X, Tankersley CG, Wang C, Huang K.Age-induced augmentation of p38 MAPK phosphorylation in mouse lung. Experimental Gerontology. 2011,46:694-702.SCI  5. Bu X, Zhang N, Yang X, Liu Y, Du J, Liang J, Xu Q, Li J (李俊发)*.Proteomic analysis of cPKCbetaII-interacting proteins involved in HPC-induced neuroprotection against cerebral ischemia of mice. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2011,117(2):346-356.SCI  6. Zhang N, Yin Y, Han S, Jiang J, Yang W, Bu X, Li J (李俊发)*.Hypoxic preconditioning induced neuroprotection against cerebral ischemic injuries and its cPKCgamma-mediated molecular mechanism. Neurochemistry International. 2011,58(6):684-692.SCI  7. Wang Y, Mu X, Wu J, Wu A, Fang L, Li J (李俊发)*, Yue Y.Differential Roles of Phosphorylated AMPA Receptor GluR1 Subunits at Serine-831 and Serine-845 Sites in Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn in a Rat Model of Post-Operative Pain. Neurochemical Research. 2011,36(1):170-176.SCI  8. Zhang Y, Su P, Liang P, Liu T, Liu X, Liu XY, Zhang B, Han T, Zhu YB, Yin DM, Li J (李俊发), Zhou Z, Wang KW, Wang Y.The DREAM protein negatively regulates the NMDA receptor through interaction with the NR1 subunit. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010,30(22):7575-7586.SCI  9. Cui W, Li Y, Li S, Wang R, Li J(李俊发)*.Systemic administration of lidocaine reduces morphine requirements and postoperative pain of patients undergoing thoracic surgery after propofol-remifentanil-based anaesthesia. European Journal of Anesthesiology. 2010,27(1):41-46.SCI  10. Qu Y, Shi X, Zhang H, Sun W, Han S, Yu C, Li J(李俊发)*.VCAM-1 siRNA reduces neointimal formation after surgical mechanical injury of the rat carotid artery. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2009,50(6):1452-1458.SCI  11. Ding J, Ding N, Wang N, Lu Q, Lu N, Yang D, Bu X, Han S, Li J(李俊发)*.Determination of conventional protein kinase C isoforms involved in high intraocular pressure-induced retinal ischemic preconditioning of rats. Vision Research. 2009,49(3):315-321.SCI  12. Wang Y, Wen Y, Fang Y, Pang H, Guo Z, Shi L, Li J(李俊发).Experimental vasoprotection by a novel erythrocyte-derived depressing factor in rats with arterial calcinosis. Vascul Pharmacol. 2009,50(1-2):65-70.SCI  13. Cui X, Li J(李俊发)*, Li T, Ji F, Bu X, Zhang N, Zhang B.Propofol and ketamine induced anesthetic depth-dependent decrease of CaMKII phosphorylation levels in rat hippocampus and cortex. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2009,21(2):145-154.SCI  14. Cui W, Li Y, Li S, Yang W, Jiang J, Han S, Li J(李俊发)*.Systemic lidocaine inhibits remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia via the inhibition of cPKCgamma membrane translocation in spinal dorsal horn of rats. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2009,21(4):318-325.SCI  15. Jiang J, Yang W, Huang P, Bu X, Zhang N, Li J(李俊发)*.Increased phosphorylation of Ets-like transcription factor-1 in neurons of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neurochemical Research. 2009,34:1443-1450.SCI  16. Wu J, Zhang X, Nauta HJ, Lin Q, Li J(李俊发)*, Fang L.JNK1 regulates histone acetylation in trigeminal neurons following chemical stimulation. Biochem. Biophys. Res Commun.. 2008,376:781-786.SCI  17. Liu Y, Li J(李俊发)*, Yang J, Ji F, Bu X, Zhang N, Zhang B.Inhibition of PKCgamma membrane translocation mediated morphine preconditioning-induced neuroprotection against oxygen-glucose deprivationin the hippocampus slices of mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2008,444(1):87-91.SCI  18. Qi X, Lin W, Li J(李俊发), Li H, Wang W, Wang D, Sun M.Fluoxetine increases the activity of the ERK-CREB signal system and alleviates the depressive-like behavior in rats exposed to chronic forced swim stress. Neurobiology of Disease. 2008,31(2):278-285.SCI  19. Zhang N, Gao G, Bu X, Han X, Fang L, Li J(李俊发)*.Neuron-specific phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase increased in the brain of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2007,423(3):219-224.SCI  20. Wei Y, Wang N*, Lu Q, Zhang N, Zheng D, Li J(李俊发)*.Enhanced protein expressions of sortilin and p75NTR in retina of rat following elevated intraocular pressure-induced retinal ischemia. Neuroscience Letters. 2007,429(2-3):169-174.SCI  21. Huang P, Qi Z, Bu X, Zhang N, Han S, Fang L, Li J(李俊发)*.Neuron-specific phosphorylation of mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-1 involved in cerebral hypoxic preconditioning of mice. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2007,85(6):1279-1287.SCI  22. Wu J, Su G, Ma L, Zhang X, Lei Y, Lin Q, Nauta HJ, Li J(李俊发)*, Fang L.The role of c-AMP-dependent protein kinase in spinal cord and post synaptic dorsal column neurons in a rat model of visceral pain. Neurochemistry International. 2007,50(5):710–718.SCI  23. Jia J, Wang X, Li H, Han S, Zu P, Li J(李俊发)*.Activations of nPKCe and ERK1/2 were involved in oxygen-glucose deprivation induced neuroprotection via NMDA receptors in hippocampal slices of mice. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2007,19(1):18-24.SCI  24. Kadekaro M, Su G, Chu R, Lei Y, Li J(李俊发)*, Fang L.Effects of nitric oxide on expressions of nitrosocysteine and calcium-activated potassium channels in the supraoptic nuclei and neural lobe of dehydrated rats. Neuroscience Letters. 2007,411(2):117-122.SCI  25. Qi Z, Bu X, Huang P, Zhang N, Han S, Fang L, Li J(李俊发)*.Increased membrane/nuclear translocation and phosphorylation of p90 KD ribosomal S6 kinase in the brain of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neurochemical Research. 2007,32(9):1450-1459.SCI  26. Bu X, Huang P, Qi Z, Zhang N, Han S, Fang L, Li J(李俊发)*.Cell type-specific activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases in the brain regions of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neurochemistry International. 2007,51(8):459-466.SCI  27. Wu J, Li J(李俊发), Lin Q, Fang L.Signal transduction in chronic pain. International Anesthesiology Clinics. 2007,45(2):73-81.  28. Li J(李俊发)*, Yang C, Han S, Zu P, Wu J, Xu Q, Fang L.Increased phosphorylation of neurogranin in the brain of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2006,391(3):150-153.SCI  29. Kadekaro-M,Su G,Chu R,Lei Y,Li J(李俊发)*,Fang L.Nitirc oxide up-regulates the expression of calcium-dependent potassium channels in thesuproptic nuclei and neueal lobe of rats following dehdration. Neuroscience Letters. 2006,404(1-2):50-55.SCI  30. Li J(李俊发)* , Qu Y, Zu P, Han S, Gao G, Xu Q, Fang L.Increased isoform-specific membrane translocation of conventional and novel protein kinase C in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells following prolonged hypoxia. Brain Research. 2006,1093(1):25-32.SCI  31. Meng F, Li J(李俊发), Zhang B, Ji F.nPKCe and NMDA receptors participate in neuroprotection induced by morphine pretreatment. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 2006,18(2):119-124.SCI  32. Long C, Gao Y, Gao G, Han S, Zu P, Fang L, Li J(李俊发)*.Decreased phosphorylation and protein expression of ERK1/2 in the brain of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2006,397(3):307-312.SCI  33. Gao Y, Gao G, Long C, Han S, Zu P, Fang L, Li J(李俊发)*.Enhanced phosphorylation of cyclic AMP response element binding protein in the brain of mice following repetitive hypoxic exposure. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2006,340(2):661-667.SCI  34. Qi X, Lin W, Li J(李俊发), Pan Y, Wang W.The depressive-like behaviors are correlated with decreased phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in rat brain following chronic forced swim stress. Behavioural Brain Research. 2006,175(2):233-240.SCI  35. Zhao L, Wang N, Jiang L, Long C, Li J(李俊发)*.Unilateral optic nerve transection up-regulate Hsp70 protein expression in lateral geniculate nucleus of rats. Neuroscience Letters. 2006,404(1-2):44-49.SCI  36. Wu J, Su G, Ma L, Zhang X, Lei Y, Li J(李俊发), Lin Q, Fang L.Protein kinases mediate increment of the phosphorylation of cyclic AMP-responsive element binding protein in spinal cord of rats following capsaicin injection. Molecular Pain. 2005,1:26-34.SCI  37. Li J(李俊发)*, Niu C, Han S, Zu P, Li H, Xu Q, Fang L.Identification of protein kinase C isoforms involved in cerebral hypoxic preconditioning of mice. Brain Research. 2005,1060(1-2):62-72.SCI  38. Niu C, Li J(李俊发)*, Cui X, Han S, Zu P, Li H, Xu Q.Changes in cPKC isoform-specific membrane translocation and protein expression in the brain of hypoxic preconditioned mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2005,384(1-2):1-6.SCI  39. Huang KP, Huang FL, Jager T, Li J(李俊发), Reymann KG, Balschun D.Neurogranin/RC3 enhances long-term potentiation and learning by promoting calcium-mediated signaling. Journal of Neuroscience. 2004,24(47):10660-10669.SCI  40. Wu J, Li J(李俊发), Huang KP, Huang FL.Attenuation of protein kinase C and camp-dependent protein kinase signal transduction in the neurogranin knockout mouse. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002,277(22):19498-19505.SCI  41. Li J(李俊发), Huang FL and Huang KP.Glutathiolation of proteins by glutathione disulfide S-oxide derived from S-nitrosoglutathione. Modifications of rat brain neurogranin/RC3 and neuromodulin/GAP-43. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2001,276(5):3098-3150.SCI  42. Huang KP, Huang FL, Li J(李俊发), Schuck P, McPhie P.Calcium-sensitive interaction between calmodulin and modified forms of rat brain neurogranin/RC3. Biochemistry. 2000,39(24):7291-7299.SCI  43. Pak JH, Huang FL, Li J(李俊发), Balschun D, Reymann KG, Chiang C, Westphal H, and Huang KP.Involvement of neurogranin in the modulation of calcium/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase II, synaptic plasticity, and spatial learning: A study with knockout mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (PNAS). 2000,97(21):11232-11237.SCI  44. Liu J, He L, Collins I, Ge H, Libutti D, Li J(李俊发), Egly J, and Levens D.The FBP interacting repressor targets TFIIH to inhibit activated transcription. Molecular Cell. 2000,5:331-341.SCI  45. Li J(李俊发), Pak JH, Huang FL and Huang KP.N-methyl-D-aspartate induces neurogranin/RC3 oxidation in rat brain slices. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1999,274(3):1294-1300.SCI  主编或副主编的著作/译著  1. 《细胞信号转导研究技术》,主编,中国协和医科大学出版社,200808
  • 李晓光
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:李晓光性别:男职称:教授  职务:副所长招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:应用组织工程学方法修复神经系统损伤的研究  电子信箱:lxgchina@sina.com  社会任职  1. 北京航空航天大学生物与工程学院兼职教授  个人简历  重要学术论文  1. Yang Zhaoyang, Mo Linhong,Duan Hongmei, Li Xiaoguang*.Effects of chitosan/collagen substrates on the behavior of rat neural stem cells.. Science China. 2010,53(2):215-222.SCI  2. Zhaoyang Yang ,Hongmei Duan ,Linhong Mo,Xiaoguang Li*. The effect of the dosage of NT-3/chitosan carriers on the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells. Biomaterials . 2010,31(18):4846–4854 .SCI  3. Yang Zhaoyang, HuiQiao, Li Xiaoguang*.Effects of the CNTF-collagen gel-controlled delivery system on rat neural stem/progenitor cells behavior.. Science China. 2010,53(4):504-510.SCI  4. Mo Linhong, Yang Zhaoyang, Zhang Aifeng,Li Xiaoguang*.The repair of the injured adult rat hippocampus with NT-3-chitosan carriers.. Biomaterials. 2010,31(8):2184-2192.SCI  5. Li Xiaoguang, Yang Zhaoyang, Zhang Aifeng.The effect of neurotrophin-3/chitosan carriers on the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells.. Biomaterials. 2009,30(28):4978-4985.SCI  6. Xiaoguang Li*,Zhaoyang Yang, Aifeng Zhang, Tailing Wang, Weichang Chen.Repair of thoracic spinal cord injury by chitosan tube implantation in adult rats.. Biomaterials. 2009,30(6):1121-1132.SCI  主编或副主编的著作/译著  重要奖项  1. 中国药品生物制品检验报告(
  • 杨慧
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:杨慧性别:女职称:教授  职务:招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:帕金森病分子机制及诊治新途径  电子信箱:huiyang0105@sina.com  社会任职  1. 北京神经科学学会理事  2. 北京党外高级知识分子联谊会理事  个人简历  1. 198709-199007:大连医科大学 硕士研究生  2. 199009-199307:荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学 访问学者  3. 199309-199409:美国科罗拉多州立大学 博士后  4. 199409-199609:首都医科大学神经科学研究所 副教授  5. 199609-199809:美国迈阿密大学 访问教授  6. 199810-200609:首都医科大学神经科学研究所 教授  重要学术论文  1. Bo Wu, Qi Liu, Chunli Duan, Yaohua Li, Shun Yu, Piu Chan, Kenji Uéda, Hui Yang*.Phosphorylation of α-synuclein upregulates tyrosine hydroxylase activity in MN9D cells.. Acta Histochemica . 2011,113 : 32-35 .SCI  2. Lingling Lu, Xiaohong Sun, Yujun Liu, Huanying Zhao, Shasha Zhao, Hui Yang.*.DJ-1 upregulates tyrosine hydroxylase gene expression by activating its transcriptional factor Nurr1 via the ERK1/2 pathway. Int J Biochem Cell B. 2011,44 (1):65-71.SCI  3. Tao Cui, Chunxiang Fan, Li Gu, Hua Gao, Qi Liu, Tao Zhang, Zhifeng Qi, Chunli Zhao, Huanying Zhao, Qing Cai, Hui Yang*.Silencing of PINK1 induces mitophagy via mitochondrial permeability transition in dopaminergic MN9D cells. Brain Research . 2011,1394 :1-13.SCI  4. Ling Zhang,* Hui Yang,* Huanying Zhao, Chunli Zhao..Calcium-related signaling pathways contributed to dopamine-induced cortical neuron apoptosis.. Neurochemistry International. 2011,58(3) :281-294.SCI  5. Lu LL, Gu L, Liang Y, Yang H*.Dual effects of alpha-synuclein on neurotoxicity induced by low dosage of rotenone are dependent on exposure time in dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells. Science China-Life Sciences . 2010,53 (5):590-597 .SCI  6. Jingxian Yu, Huanying Zhao, Ling Ye*, Hui Yang*. Shuting Ku, Nan Yang and Ning Xiao.Effect of surface functionality of magnetic silica nanoparticles on the cellular uptake by glioma cells in vitro. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2009,19 :1265–1270.SCI  7. Li Gu, Tao Cui, Chunxiang Fan, Huanying Zhao, Chunli Zhao, Lingling Lu, Hui Yang*..Involvement of ERK1/2 signaling pathway in DJ-1-induced neuroprotection against oxidative stress. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co.. 2009,383 :469–474.SCI  8. Na Li, Hui Yang*, Lingling Lu, Chunli Duan, Chunli Zhao, Huanying Zhao.Comparison of the labeling efficiency of BrdU, DiI and FISH labeling techniques in bone marrow stromal cells. Brain Research . 2008,1215 :11-19.SCI  9. Dongmei Liu, Ling Jin, Hao Wang, Huanying Zhao Chunli Zhao Hui Yang*.RNA interference mediated silencing of α-synuclein in MN9D cells and its effects on cell viability. Neurosci Bull . 2008,24 (2) :96-104.无  10. Qian Cao, Lingrong Wei, Lingling Lu, Chunli Zhao, Huanying Zhao, Hui Yang*.Astrocytes protect MN9D neuronal cells against rotenone induced oxidative stress by a glutathione-dependent mechanism. Acta Physiologica Sinica. 2007,59(3):253-259.无  11. Ling Jin Hui Yang*.a-Synuclein aggregation and Parkinson’s Disease: factors affecting the aggregation of a-Synuclein. Prog. Biochem. Biophys. 2006,33(4):321-328.SCI  12. Duan Chun-li,SUN Xiao-hong,JI Man YANG Hui*. Effects of glutamate and MK–801 on the metabolism of dopamine in the striatum of normal and parkinsonian rats.. Acta physiologica sinica. 2005,57(1):71-76.SCI  13. Yanying Liu,Hui Yang*.Environmental Toxins and alpha-Synuclein in Parkinson’s Disease.. Molecular Neurobiology . 2005, 31(1):231-242.SCI  主编或副主编的著作/译著  重要奖项  1. 永生化大鼠骨髓基质细胞系及其制备方法 中国发明专利号:200810057663.1 2010  2. 腺相关病毒介导三基因细胞表达系统, 中国发明专利,CN200310116057.X, 2009  3. 国务院政府特殊津贴专家 2004  4. 教育部高等学校优秀骨干教师 2003  5. 北京市优秀跨世纪人才资助奖励 2001
  • 段德义
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:段德义性别:男职称:教授  职务:招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(硕)招生专业:神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:神经发育机制  电子信箱:duandy@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  个人简历  重要学术论文  1. Duan D, Fu Y, Paxinos G, Watson C.Spatiotemporal expression patterns of Pax6 in the brain of embryonic, newborn, and adult mice. Brain Struct Funct. 2012,online 22Feb12:DOI 10.1007/s00429-012-0397-2.SCI  2. 方金林, 吴春春, 孙晓红, 徐群渊, 段德义*.Akt/mTOR信号通路在海人酸损伤大鼠海马组织中的激活. 基础医学与临床. 2010,30(6):630-634.  3. 梁彩霞,徐云智,赵春礼,郑德宇,段德义*.HLA A表达沉默和酪氨酸羟化酶过表达人成纤维细胞脑内移植治疗帕金森病大鼠模型. 基础医学与临床. 2009,29(6) :697-703.  4. 徐云智,梁彩霞,赵春礼,郑德宇,段德义*.人类白细胞抗原A表达沉默对大鼠脑内人细胞移植排斥反应的调节. 中国组织工程研究与临床康复. 2008,12(40) :7801-7807.
  • 徐志卿
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:徐志卿性别:男职称:教授  职务:神经生物学系副主任招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:神经递质受体和重大脑病  电子信箱:zhiqingx@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  1. 中国神经科学学会理事  2. 中国生理学会学术委员会、转化神经科学专业委员会和外事工作委员会委员  3. 北京神经科学学会常务理事  4. 北京海外高层次人才协会理事  个人简历  1. 199112-199709:瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院神经科学系 博士生, 博士学位  2. 199709-199909:瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院神经科学系 博士后  3. 199909-200109:瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院医学生化和生物物理系 博士后  4. 200109-200707:瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院神经科学系 Forskare(研究员)  5. 200110- :中国科学院神经科学研究所 客座研究员  6. 200112- :华中科技大学 兼职教授  7. 200702- :首都医科大学神经生物学系 特聘教授  重要学术论文  1. Xia S,Dun X-P,Hu P-S, Kjaer S, Zheng K, Qian Y, Solén C, Xu T, Fredholm B, Hokfelt T, and Xu Z-QD(徐志卿)* .Postendocytotic traffic of the galanin R1 receptor: a lysosomal signal motif on the cytoplasmic terminus.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008,105:5609-13.SCI  2. Huang HP, Wang SR, Yao W, Zhang C, Zhou Y, Chen XW, Zhang B, Xiong W, Wang LY, Zheng LH, Landry M, Hokfelt T, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhou Z.Long latency of evoked quantal transmitter release from somata of locus coeruleus neurons in rat pontine slices. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007,104:1401-1406.SCI  3. Lundstrom L, Sollenberg U, Brewer A, Kouya PF, Zheng K, Xu XJ, Sheng X, Robinson JK, Wiesenfeld-Hallin Z, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Hokfelt T, Bartfai T, Langel U.A galanin receptor subtype 1 specific agonist.. International journal of peptide research and therapeutics . 2005,11:17-27.SCI  4. Swanson CJ, Blackburn TP, Zhang X, Zheng K, Xu Z-QD(徐志卿), Hokfelt T, Wolinsky TD, Konkel MJ, Chen H, Zhong H, Walker MM, Durkin M, Artymyshyn RP, Smith KE, Jones KJ, Craig DA, Gerald CP, Brancheck TA .From The Cover: Anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like profiles of the galanin-3 receptor (Gal3) antagonists SNAP 37889 and SNAP 398299.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2005,102:17489-17494.SCI  5. Xia S, Kjaer S, Zheng K, Hu PS, Xu T, Hokfelt T, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*.Constitutive and ligand-induced internalization of EGFP-tagged galanin R2 and Rl receptors in PC12 cells.. Neuropeptides. 2005,39:173-178.SCI  6. Zheng K, Kuteeva E, Xia S, Bartfai T, Hokfelt T, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*.Age-related impairments of synaptic plasticity in the lateral perforant path input to the dentate gyrus of galanin overexpressing mice.. Neuropeptides. 2005,39:259-267.SCI  7. Xia S, Kjaer S, Kang Z, Hu P-S, Bai L, Jia J, Rigler R, Pramanik A, Xu T, Hokfelt T, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*.Visualization of a functionally enhanced GFP-tagged galanin R2 receptor in PC12 cells: Constitutive and ligand-induced internalization.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2004,101:15207-15212.SCI  8. Xia S, Xu L, Bai L, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Xu, T.Labeling and dynamic imaging of synaptic vesicle-like microvesicles in PC12 cells using TIRFM analysis. . Brain Res. 2004,997:159-164.SCI  9. Bao L, Jin S-X, Zhang C, Wang L-H, Xu Z-Z, Zhang F-X, Wang L-C, Ning F-S, Cai H-J, Guan J-S, Xiao H-S, Xu Z-Q D, He C, Hokfelt T, Zhou Z and Zhang X.Activation of delta-opioid receptors induces receptor insertion and neuropeptide secretion.. Neuron. 2003,37:121-133.SCI  10. Fetissov S.O., Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Byrne L.C., Hassani H., Ernfors P. and Hokfelt T.NPY targets in the hypothalamus.Nitric oxide synthesizing neurons express Y1 receptor. . J Neuroendocrinology . 2003,15:754-760.SCI  11. Kopp J, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang X, Pedrazzini T, Herzog H, Kresse A, Wang H, Walsh J, Hokfelt T .Expression of neuropeptide Y1 receptor in the CNS of rat, wild type and Y1 receptor knock-out mouse. Focus on immunohistochemical localization. . Neuroscience . 2002,111:443-532.SCI  12. Ma X, Tong Y-G, Schmidt R, Brown W, Payza K, Hodzic L, Pou C, Godbout C, Hokfelt T, Xu Z-QD(徐志卿)*.Effects of galanin receptor agonists on locus coeruleus neurons.. Brain Res . 2001,919:169-174.SCI  13. Kokaia M, Holmberg K, Nanobashvili A, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Kokaia Z, Lendahl U, Hilke S, Theodorsson E, Kahl U, Bartfai T, Lindvall O, Hokfelt T.Suppressed kindling epileptogenesis in mice with ectopic overexpression of galanin.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2001,98:14006-14011.SCI  14. Lindgren N, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Herrere-Marschitz M, Haycock J, Goldstein M, Hokfelt T, Fisone G .Dopamine D2 receptors regulate tyrosine hydroxylase activity and phosphorylation at Ser40 in rat striatum. Eur J Neurosci . 2001,13:773-780.SCI  15. Shi T-J S, Tandrup T, Bergman E, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Ulfhake B, Hokfelt T.Effect of peripheral nerve injury on neuronal cell numbers and neuropeptide expression in mouse dorsal root ganglia. . Neuroscience . 2001,105:249-263.SCI  16. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Tong Y-G, Hokfelt T.Galanin enhances noradrenaline-induced outward current on locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons. Neuroreport. 2001,12:1779-1782.SCI  17. Lindgren N, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Lindskog M, Herrere-Marschitz M, Goiny M, Haycock J, Goldstein M, Hokfelt T, Fisone G.Regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity and phosphorylation at Ser19 and Ser40 via activation of glutamate NMDA receptors in rat striatum.. J Neurochem . 2000,74:2470-2477.SCI  18. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Ma X, Soomets U, Langel U, Hokfelt T.Electrophysiological evidence for a hyperpolarizing, galanin (1-15)-selective receptor on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999,96:14583-14587.SCI  19. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Hokfelt T.Galanin/GMAP- and NPY-like immunoreactivities in locus coeruleus and noradrenergic nerve terminals in the hippocampal formation and cortex with notes on the galanin-R1 and -R2 receptors. . J Comp Neurol . 1998,392:227-251.SCI  20. Shi TJ, Holmberg K, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Steinbusch H, de Vente J, Hokfelt T.Effect of peripheral nerve injury on cGMP and nitric oxide synthase levels in rat dorsal root ganglia: time course and coexistence.. Pain. 1998,78:171-180.SCI  21. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang X, Pieribone VA, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.Galanin-5-hydroxytryptamine interactions: electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies on rat dorsal raphe neurons with a note on galanin R1 and R2 receptors.. Neuroscience . 1998,87:79-94.SCI  22. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Lew JY, Harada K, Aman K, Goldstein M, Deutch A, Haycock JW, Hokfelt T.Immunohistochemical studies on phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase in central catecholamine neurons using site- and phosphorylation state-specific antibodies.. Neuroscience . 1998,82:727-738.SCI  23. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Bartfai T, Langel U, Hokfelt T.Effects of three galanin analogs on the outward current evoked by galanin in locus coeruleus.. Ann N Y Acad Sci . 1998,863:459-465.SCI  24. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, de Vente J, Steinbusch H, Grillner S, Hokfelt T .The NO-cGMP pathway in the rat locus coeruleus: electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies.. Eur J Neurosci. 1998,10:3508-3516.SCI  25. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)* and Hokfelt T.Expression of galanin and nitric oxide synthase in subpopulations of serotonin neurons of the rat dorsal raphe nucleus.. J Chem Neuroanat . 1997,13:169-187.SCI  26. Yamada K, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Zhang X, Gustafsson L, Hulting AL, de Vente J, Steinbusch HW, Hokfelt T.Nitric oxide synthase and cGMP in the anterior pituitary gland: effect of a GnRH antagonist and nitric oxide donors.. Neuroendocrinology . 1997,65:147-156.SCI  27. Shi TJ, Zhang X, Holmberg K, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Hokfelt T. Expression and regulation of galanin-R2 receptors in rat primary sensory neurons: effect of axotomy and inflammation.. Neurosci Lett . 1997,237:57-60.SCI  28. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang X, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.Electrophysiological studies on rat dorsal root ganglion neurons after peripheral axotomy: changes in responses to neuropeptides.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997,94:13262-13266.SCI  29. Bao L, Kopp J, Zhang X, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang LF, Wong H, Walsh J, Hokfelt T. Localization of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors in cerebral blood vessels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 1997,94:12661-12666.SCI  30. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Landry M, Hokfelt T .Evidence for galanin receptors in primary sensory neurones and effect of axotomy and inflammation.. Neuroreport . 1996,8:237-242 .SCI  31. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Hokfelt T.Expression of galanin and a galanin receptor in several sensory systems and bone anlage of rat embryos.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996,93:14901-14905.SCI  32. Pieribone VA, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Zhang X, Grillner S, Bartfai T, Hokfelt T.Galanin induces a hyperpolarization of norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus neurons in the brainstem slice. Neuroscience. 1995,64:861-874.  33. Zhang X, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Bao L, Dagerlind A, Hokfelt T.Complementary distribution of receptors for neurotensin and NPY in small neurons in rat lumbar DRGs and regulation of the receptors and peptides after peripheral axotomy. J Neurosci . 1995,15:2733-2747.SCI  34. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Pieribone VA, Zhang X, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.A functional role for nitric oxide in locus coeruleus: immunohistochemical and electrophysiological studies. Exp Brain Res. 1994,98:75-83.  主编或副主编的著作/译著
  • 徐群渊
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:徐群渊性别:男职称:教授  职务:所长招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:神经生物学(博) 神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:神经生物学电子信箱:xuqy@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  1. 中国优生科学学会副会长  2. 北京医师协会监事  3. 北京神经科学会副理事长  4. 北京专家联谊会顾问  5. 中国解剖学会名誉理事长  6. 解剖学报副主编  7. Founding Editor of "Neural Regeneration Research"  8. 转化医学研究常务副主编  个人简历  1. 195809-196307:北京医学院(现北京大学医学部) 医疗系本科生  2. 196309-199012:北京第二医学院(现首都医科大学)解剖教研室 助教-教授  3. 198105-198807:瑞典Karolinska Institute解剖系(现神经科学系) 研修(获博士学位)  4. 198511-200204:首都医科大学 校长  5. 198810-0:北京神经科学研究所 所长  6. 199012-0:首都医科大学 教授  7. 200201-0:北京市神经再生修复重点实验室 主任  重要学术论文  1. Ying Wang & Yue Teng Wei & Zhao Hui Zu & Rong Kai Ju & Mu Yao Guo & Xiu Mei Wang & Qun Yuan Xu* & Fu Zhai Cui.Combination of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Scaffold and PLGA. Farmaceutical Research. 2011,28:1406-1414.SCI  2. Yue-Teng Wei,1 Fu-Zhai Cui,1 Qun-Yuan Xu*.Hyaluronic acid hydrogel modified with nogo-66 receptor antibody and. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH B: APPLIED BIOMATERIALS. 2010,VOL 95B, ISSUE 1:110-117.SCI  3. Yong-Juan Rena, Zi-You Zhoua, Bing-Fang Liub, Qun-Yuan Xub, Fu-Zhai Cuia.Preparation and characterization of fibroin/hyaluronic acid composite scaffold. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2009,44:372–378.SCI  4. Junpeng Zhao , Yajuan Yao , Changlei Xu, Xiaohua Jiang, Qunyuan Xu*.Expression of the neural specific protein, GAP-43, dramatically lengthens the cell cycle in fibroblasts.. Int. J. Devl Neuroscience. 2009,27:531-537.SCI  5. Liang Li*, Yujin Su*, Chunli Zhao* Qunyuan Xu*.Role of Nurr1 and Ret in inducing rat embryonic neural precursors to dopaminergic neurons.. Neurological Research. 2009,31:534-540.SCI  6. Linjie Pan,Yongjuan Ren, Fuzhai Cui, Qunyuan Xu*.Viability and Differentiation of Neural Precursors on Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Scaffold. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2009,87:3207-3220.SCI  7. B Liu,J Ma,E Gao,Y He,F Cui,Q Xu*.Development of an artificial neuronal network with post-mitotic rat fetal hippocampal cells by Polyethylenimine, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2008,23:1221-1228.SCI  8. B Wang,X Zou,H Zhang,D Duan,L Ju,X Jiang,X Sun,C Zhao,H Zhao,J Guo,C Xu,E Gao,Q Xu*.Establishment of an immortalized GABAergic neuronal progenitor cell line from embryonic ventral mesencephalon in the rat. Brain Res. 2008,1210:63-75.SCI  9. S. HOU, W. TIAN, Q. XU,* F. CUI, J. ZHANG,Q. LU AND C. ZHAO.The enhancement of cell adherence and inducement of neurite out grouth of dorsal root ganglia co-cultured with hyaluronic acid hydrogels modified with Nogo-66 receptor antagonist in vitro. Neuroscience. 2006,137:519-529.SCI  10. D. Chengyun ,L. Guoming ,M. Elia ,M.V. Catania ,X. Qunyuan*. Expression of multidrug resistance type 1 gene (MDR1) P-glycoprotein in intractable epilepsy with different aetiologies: a double-labelling and electron microscopy study . Neurol Sci . 2006,27:245–25.SCI  11. S. YU, J. Z. ZHANG AND Q. XU*. Genes associated with neuronal differentiation of precursors from human brain . Neuroscience . 2006,141:817–825.SCI  12. L. LI,, Y. SU, C. ZHAO, H. ZHAO, G. LIU, J. WANG AND Q. XU*.The role of Ret receptor tyrosine kinase in dopaminergic neuron development. Neuroscience. 2006,142:391–400.SCI  13. B.F. Liu , J. Ma, Q.Y. Xu *, F.Z. Cui.Regulation of charged groups and laminin patterns for selective neuronal adhesion . Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces . 2006,53:175–178.SCI  14. Bing.fang Liu, Er.jing Gao, Xian.zhi Zeng, Man Ji, Qing Cai, Qiang Lu,Hui Yang, Qun.yuan Xu*.Proliferation of neural precursors in the subventricular zone after chemical lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway in rat brain. Brain Res . 2006,1106:3 0 – 3 9.SCI  15. Haiyan Zhang, Yongmei Zha, Chunli Zhao, Shuang Yu,Deyi Duan, Qunyuan Xu*. Long-term expansion of human neural progenitor cells by epigenetic stimulation in vitro. 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GDNF和TH转基因细胞脑内联合移植治疗帕金森氏病大鼠模型的研究 北京市科技进步二等奖(第一) 2001  9. 脑内细胞移植 华东地区出版社优秀图书二等奖(第一) 2001  10. 中枢神经系统解剖学CAI课件的开发、应用 北京市教育教学成果一等奖(第一) 2001  11. 人脑血管和临床 北京市科技进步二等奖(第三) 1998  12. 基因治疗巴金森病大鼠模型的实验研究 卫生部科技进步三等奖(第一) 1997  13. 基因治疗巴金森病大鼠模型的实验研究 北京市科技进步二等奖(第一) 1997  14. 关于脊髓小脑束结构的研究 卫生部科技进步二等奖(第一) 1994  15. 关于脊髓小脑束结构的研究 北京市科技进步二等奖(第一) 1994  16. HRP-ACHE双重组化法研究大鼠脊髓小脑束ACHE阳性神经元 北京市科技进步学术奖(第二) 1987  17. 应用放射自显影法对大鼠伏膈核离心纤维系统的观察,应用辣根过氧化物酶法研究伏膈核传入纤维的联系 卫生部乙级科技成果奖(第一) 1981  18. 伏膈核传入传出纤维的联系 北京市科技进步学术奖(第一) 1980
  • 雷慧萌
  • 姓名:雷慧萌性别:女职称:副教授  职务:招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(硕)招生专业:神经生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:基底神经节相关疾病在神经通路水平的机制研究  电子信箱:leihm@ccmu.edu.cn  社会任职  个人简历  1. 199908-200307:清华大学生物系 本科  2. 200308-200808:美国杜克大学(Duke University)神经生物学系 博士  3. 200809-200909:美国杜克大学(Duke University)神经生物学系 博士后  4. 201005- :首都医科大学神经生物学系 副教授  5. 201107-201112:美国麻省理工 访问学者  重要学术论文  1. Huimeng Lei, Richard Mooney*.Manipulation of a Central Auditory Representation Shapes Learned Vocal Output. Neuron. 2010,65(1):122-134.SCI  2. Huimeng Lei, Richard Mooney*, Lawrence C. Katz.Synaptic Integration of Olfactory Information in Mouse Anterior Olfactory Nucleus.
  • 叶海虹
  • 首都医科大学研究生指导教师简介  姓名:叶海虹性别:女职称:教授  职务:招生院所:基础医学院  招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)  招生专业:细胞生物学(博) 细胞生物学(硕)  研究方向名称:电子信箱:  社会任职  个人简历  1. 199409-199807:北京大学生命科学学院生理及生物物理学系 本科  2. 199807-200308:美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院神经科学系 博士研究生  3. 200407-200708:新加坡国立分子细胞生物学研究所 Research Fellow  4. 200803-201205:中国科学院生物物理研究所 副研究员  5. 201205- :首都医科大学基础医学院医学遗传学系 教授  重要学术论文  1. 【未填作者】.Dscam mutation leads to hydrocephalus and decreased motor function. Protein & Cell. 2011,2(8):647-55.SCI
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